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Friday, March 15, 2013

Today was a day of confessions. And the people I confessed to insist that I blog... so I shall.
Basically the people are C and C.

So there is somebody I like. But I'm not acting on it because
1) It doesn't feel right. Too contrived
2) Okay that's actually the only reason

- When did it start
During camp I noticed that he was a nice friend to have already. We were preparing for the fake moot and he was really relaxed about it when I was already trying not to freak out about having to moot. I told him that it's good to be relaxed like how he is and he looked quite satisfied. Moot eventually morphed into a fright night, which passed without event except for in the first room when I grabbed his arm out of fright. But that's all. After fright night the ice between us seemed to break a little and we chatted a bit more.
After camp we went home and I kind of forgot about him. I still remember I met him at the library workshop where I almost forgot who he was but I waved anyway and sat next to him cos I'm just that nice please.
During term we ended up in the same group. Through discussions and all I decided he was a nice person and a good friend to have. I don't know if I'm over-thinking but I could sense that he liked me too. I don't think I was over thinking because a) i'm observant and b) it's over a period of time, and there's room for me to be objective about it.

- How it ended
It really first started with the time he mentioned that he wasn't ready to go into a relationship. His 2 reasons are that a) he doesn't have the guts and b) he's too poor. I still don't understand the 2nd reason, but whatever. He mentioned this in passing, in a casual way, because somehow our group of friends were talking about life partners (I have no idea why but the conversation just drifted to this topic). Frankly when I heard this I didn't know what to say because I was wondering too many things in my head.
After a while I started to feel awkward and uncomfortable about him, because basically, nothing was happening.
So I told myself to change my attitudes. This happened in the form of me feeling uncomfortable and awkward for about a week, and all this awkwardness culminated in me reflecting one evening in my room and feeling quite morose. NB: I was feeling morose about my results too.
A few days later I got over it because life just moves on. And here I am now! I just don't want to invest too much hope in a stagnant situation, so I can focus better on other more important stuff.

I would say I still like him but with a changed attitude. Honestly about 1/3 of me is thinking that he's a jerk and 2/3 of me is thinking he's a nice friend.
Don't get me wrong, jerks can be good friends too. And I don't mean that I'm insulting him, because from an objective point of view, he really is a good person to have as a friend, someone you can trust.

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