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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Frankly I've been quite down for a week already with intermittent periods of happiness (with who else but friends).
Then today I got a mini-epiphany.
I guess last sem my workload was equally bad or maybe slightly better, but I took it better because I probably was more optimistic and gungho about everything. Maybe it was sheer bravado, being the first sem, so I just kept telling myself, just do, can one. This sem I'm getting a bit more jaded.
But while munching on Chocolate Pillows today (bought it on a whim) I decided that no matter how incessant the readings are, and no matter how many setbacks (perceived setbacks) I shall just continue relaxing and eating and going for samba like I used to in sem 1. Readings will not run away and I will spend many more sleepless nights trying to finish them. Just not tonight.
Notice the fine line between this and procrastination. Procrastination means putting things off and not doing them, but what I'm doing is putting things off AND PLEDGING TO MYSELF TO DO THEM AND I KNOW I WILL DO THEM.
2 girls just scuttled off in front of me wearing tight black skirts. Well... they were scuttling in a very cute manner.
Anyway I didn't get my faci role. But heck la I'm in the sub comm already. I'm just not popz enough lor what to do. But don't mistake me, I don't say this in a self-hating tone, but a heck-care tone.
Shit, class in half an hour and readings still not done.
You have to come to law school to appreciate what we mean by you can never finish your readings.

Lesson of the day: you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of your work. If you go to work sulky or tired everyday something needs to be changed. Something in you needs to be taken care of. And most of the time it's your psychological welfare.

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