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Monday, March 25, 2013

Kind of dislike myself right now. But I'm myself for the rest of my life, so I just have to accept myself.
This sem is not a good sem. For one, today I woke at 8.30 am for an 8.30 class. Secondly I've gotten about 4 B minuses: 2 for 2 lrw assignments, 1 for  contract midterms test, 1 for analytical skills midterms.
I'm quite sure my gpa is gonna drop. To near 3. 
But what can I do, my friend. Tenacity's the word. Don't judge me based on my grades. :( 
And for my family, I will tell them that I don't think it's samba that is pulling my grades down, because I really did try to work on them. The problem is not lack of time, it's a lack of something in my brain that I have yet to find.
I think last sem the profs really spoonfed us and I understood stuff better. This sem it's really about getting down and dirty in my readings.
Am I supposed to feel a fear deep down in me? Cos I don't. I felt that fear just now, actually, when thinking through all this, but I just pushed it aside. There's no point studying out of fear. It's better to study because I have a clear goal in mind.
Last night I dreamt I was packing for a holiday. But I was very confused about the packing and I was throwing random things into my bag, and trying to be neat at the same time. And I wasn't dressed properly. I kept changing my clothes cos I wore them wrongly. And then I woke up peacefully at 8.30 am thinking it might be a Sunday, and the next moment I realized it's a Monday and I have a class.
Shit. My dream is so reflective of my life right now. I think I need to organize my tasklist better. When to finish what, what to finish, etc. Holy moly.

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