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Monday, January 14, 2013

Went for another ocsp interview today. The interviewers were really nice; I've never met interviewers who smiled so much. I don't think I'll mind building a gazebo (that's one of the jobs) if they'd let me because they look like wonderful people. Speaking of which, I suddenly feel like I want an ocsp quite badly. They asked me about my cca-- that was almost a dealbreaker; I could see them exchanging looks when I talked about the upcoming concert. But I told them my attendance is quite flexible, which is true, and I hope they believed me.

Okay I think they're gonna reject me. *SOBZ* :'(

Today I was in quite a black mood. I'm rarely in such black moods. Firstly I still had some residual rage from last Saturday, secondly I was notified that an ocsp rejected me, thirdly... well that's about it.

But I cheered up considerably after my lessons.

Watched the 9 pm show when I got home today. It was about Pierre Png acting as a schizophrenic man? Anyway, I agree. Spiritually speaking if I only had my law readings to do everyday I think I'll become like him too. A prof said that once in law school we shouldn't be doing anything other than studying. I tried to see things from her point of view for a few days, but today I realized that I don't agree. I suppose I'll take her words with a pinch of salt-- she means STUDY HARD.

If I'm gonna survive this semester (regardless of ocsp or not), I better get a move on in my readings.

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