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Friday, January 11, 2013

It's a luxury to wake at 11 am, have a relaxed breakfast and then blog, all in the comfort of my home! :) And listening to covers by Sam Tsui, Tannner Patrick and Cameron Mitchell.
Yesterday was twc class and it was quite uneventful, except for a rather amusing moment when the prof pointed at me and asked for the 2nd law of thermodynamics. What?? So I said f=ma which was of course wrong. Don't squirm (@yun and other physics people) haha. Luckily I'm not blonde or else it would have been a blonde moment? Then formed my group-- was slightly displeased at first that it was all girls again like in bgs, but now I don't think it matters and it could even be better.
Prof flashed a quote on the screen-- I'm not even sure why, I think it was just part of a random lecture. Anyway, the quote was: The secret to true happiness is a combination of low expectations and high insensitivity". Words of wisdom! I don't fully agree with the low expectations but I fully agree with high insensitivity. 
After class I stayed in school to wait for cca to start. Must have been about 7 hours of free time, spent eating lunch and then camping in a room. Very comfy and I even fell asleep (while studying). :)) Pleased with myself for finding that empty room. However it got a bit too boring at the end of the 7 hours. 
Went for cca. Was tired like a zombie about 2 hours into cca which was a total of 4 hours. Quite a few people looked like zombies too.
And have you heard this lovely new single by OneRepublic? :)

Looking forward to their new album coming out... early this year?

And my recent discovery of a band:

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