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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Feeling really sobered by the amount of readings left untouched. One of the most sobering times I've had. I think I might be exaggerating actually. Anyway, here's a quote to cheer me on:
Instead of asking, "What do I need?", we should be asking ourselves, "What do I have, and how can I share that with others?"

But I guess it will all sort out soon.

Somebody on my facebook friend list keeps posting lovely pics of her and her boyfriend. Vaguely jealous. >< and that day a friend showed me this photography page with tons of pictures of another couple-- Singaporean lady (just a few years older than me), American guy (good-looking). She got to know him on a school exchange. So while viewing the pictures, I told my friend, LET'S GO ON AN EXCHANGE. She said, YEAH!

Hey but, here's a really sobering fact. Fairy tales like that only happen to the really good-looking ones. Average-looking folk like me have to depend on other stuff that we have. But like my brother said, it's just a fact of life that everyone is born unequal, and it doesn't just apply to the looks department. So I have no hard feelings when I say that I look average. 

Meanwhile I have Woofy. 

I feel like I'm getting a bit too old for this, right? Woofy this and Woofy that. 

Anyway as a matter of fact being single is fun too. It's just that we all have our moody and sobering moments. Every human being has their moments. 

Hahaha, no I'm definitely not crying. This picture is just cute.

Suddenly recalled what my mum said earlier in the day-- I should be pleased with myself because I am healthy and I am (reasonably) happy. I added the 'reasonably', in true lawyer fashion. I agree with her. :)

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