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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Finished my tort readings and rewarded myself with an episode of Sherlock but didn't enjoy it because the end got a bit boring (A Scandal in Belgravia) -- I'm already comfortable with Sherlock being asexual and not interested in girls (or guys), but for this episode, adding in the sentimentality felt quite unnecessary, and the girl wasn't charming in my opinion.

Anyway after Sherlock I embarked on my lrw readings, and after a while I got distracted so here I am. Slightly tired with reading and slightly afraid of the new term. For example I'm afraid of what sort of people my classmates are. But on the bright side I think most law students are nice, by extrapolation from my classmates from last semester. Furthermore I've got people I know in those classes. 

Another thing I'm afraid of is time management. But I think I should be really used to busy schedules by now and all I need for this term is the usual amount of discipline, less fear and more trust in myself. I think this term feels worse because I don't feel the excitement I had for the previous term. 
Okay that's my fear settled.

I keep feeling annoyed at the passive-aggressive meanness of my section mate. Oh gosh, I've never seen a bitchier and more two-faced guy around. The bitchiest people are able to tune their frequency and let it show only when they feel like it, so people who are more consistent in their treatment of others don't know what to make of them. And I don't retaliate nowadays because I think it tarnishes my image. Also, some bitchiness in my life probably won't harm me because I've been so sheltered from it all my life; every person must have some experience with bitchiness in life.
Actually, writing this down makes it seem worse than it really is-- it's very simple for me to just ignore it, objectively speaking. But I'm feeling rather irritated in general today, so I shall write. I finally understand what adults mean when they talk about colleagues at the workplace and brand some nasty people  '小人'. This dude is gonna be the 小人 in my school life. One thing I tell myself is that getting annoyed won't help matters because it only fulfils his aim. I shall sail through unfazed. 
There are many more angelic people around and my vision shall not be clouded because of just one of them.

Sigh don't judge me because I kept using the b word. I only use it on this blog, after all. Now that I've laid down my moods I think I'm ready to embark on reading again. 

Here's wishing myself and all my friends a good term ahead. :) Do not forget what your aims were when you first made the choice to sign up for law school. And, hmm, and the choice to sign up for this cca.

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