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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Being in a cca (and a large one too) teaches me about how bitchy people can get-- not very, actually, but still  an eye-opener for me; after all I grew up in quite a sheltered environment. At first I was quite demoralised by it and I had to try not to sulk, but now I think it's much better on my image and for my happiness as well that I take it all with a game face. After all I join a club because I enjoy its activities, not the company. The company might be important but don't set too much store by people. There's a Chinese saying (I don't have chinese on this laptop)-- kao shan shan dao, kao ren ren pao, kao zi ji zui hao. One of my mottos in life. I have the choice to enjoy something, and I won't let other people affect my choice.

Anyway there are people I still look up to. Those 2 people I fangirled several posts back--they are really impartial people. There's a senior who seems to be interested in making sure that his juniors cope well with school work. And the people who help me out sincerely and kindly. My heroes. -bumps fist into chest twice- 

Okay that post only applies to cca. Of course there are many more heroes in my life-- my family and friends of course. 
I'm vaguely worried about how busy I could be this coming term. O:

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