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Monday, January 28, 2013

Ah Nan the getai singer has passed away. I shall take a moment to say that he lived quite a respectable life. Although his life was not free of crime, he showed that he had a kind heart and helped people out whenever it was in his capacity to do so.
And look how much respect and love he has gotten from the people he has met in his life-- just look at how many people turned up at his wake.
People respect you for your character and not for your ability.
Words to live by!
Translated into my own words, I guess I would say that this means I'll try my best in whatever I do, because I want to put in my best effort for the people around me. And I don't have to get a perfect GPA to be a good lawyer-- if I become a lawyer in future. I just need to want to...help my clients. And probably uphold justice in the meantime...
Today was a frown-inducing day because I wasn't very prepared for the lesson. And the prof probed us with lots of mind-boggling questions. My mind drifted to my busy busy schedule.
But the day got better when I cracked a short joke and my classmates laughed, and I laughed cos they laughed. And the prof smiled at our laughter. Laughter works wonders. I should think up more jokes.
And then it got better because I ate lunch with friends.
It got better again when I joined my friends in the gsr.
Then I felt more accomplished after I met another friend to complete our discussion on a case.


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