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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Okay, after more than an hour at this html thing, I've finally overcome blogger! :D
And this has made me feel so accomplished that I kind of forgot what made me so upset/contemplative. zzz.

But the main gist is that, well, school really doesn't hold anymore motivation for me. I actually felt a desire to go to school in about secondary 1 and 2, and 3. But not now, exactly. What got me so miserable was how all I could see in my life right now was just homework, revision, more tests, more exams. Very depressing thought. So much so that it just quashed the sense of accomplishment in me.
I thought that since I was so bored, why not take up something interesting? Interesting, not as in going for outings after school, because those are just one-off things. But maybe something more consistent like learning a musical instrument. Like playing the guitar. That would actually be quite cool.
That's just one part of me.
The other part wonders if this is just another spark of interest that might die off soon.
Then again I don't get many sparks.

I've read a few biographies, famous ones, like Tuesdays with Morrie (more of a personal recount) and I'm currently reading The Last Lecture. And all these people seem to have lead very fulfilling lives, that do not get stuck at a certain place.
Maybe it's just because I'm still a student. That's all. And I have to wait until I graduate (from this one), before I make more exciting changes to this routine.
Read Pling's post on how she doesn't like a routine life, and how she'd prefer one where there's lots of things going on and she can rush from place to place.
I think one of the reasons why I think like that now is because I chose the wrong subject combination back in Secondary 2. (?) Triple science is engaging at times, but it gets really boring after a while, so much so that it dulls my senses and numbs my brains. I think A Lit would have been a much better choice. At least I'd have got to learn about Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream. I really think learning literature is much more practical and useful than learning about propanoic acid and split-ring commutators.

Maybe I'll request for a guitar for my next birthday :D And of course buy a self-help guitar book. :)
I really like this quote from The Last Lecture: "Brick walls are there to let you show how much you want something".
And I think Imagineering is very cool. And also how Mr Randy Pausch got to fulfill most of his childhood dreams.

Speaking of childhood dreams, I seriously can't think of any of my own. I know I watched a lot of drama serials when I was a kid (and that's where I got all my vocab from), so I visualized myself as some sort of power-career-woman when I grow up.
However this is definitely NOT the case now. Lol.
And I get all my career inspirations from external sources, like my brother and (sounds funny but) online quizzes. They say I'm creatively and musically inclined. I hope that's true.
(cos I can't really tell now, can I, not when I'm taking a pure science combination)(and also because i stopped piano... 8|)

Shall revive piano.

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