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Monday, August 17, 2009

Am really amused by the Pirate language on Facebook. To change it, go to settings and look for English (Pirate), under the languages tab. Got me staring at ye olde facebook's home port for quite a long while.

Anyway, today was a rather uneventful and depressing day, in the sense that most teenagers identify with.
Because I got back my Chinese marks. D: And I think I'll just blabber my marks here-- I got 58/100, which breaks down into 37/70 for zuowen, 16/20 for shiyongwen and 62.5/110 for compre. Ack. Although I might get a mark raise for zuowen, I'm not sure. 58/100 is a C5! Although looking at the marks alone, 58 and 65 do not make a large difference. But they do when they are a full 2 grades apart! D:
As my mum says, I better pull my socks up to knee length/or even higher if I want to pass my O levels. Are there actually socks that go higher than your knee? Whatever.
So I spent most of the afternoon sulking over my marks, until at about 5 plus after my bath. Because bath times are cheer up times!

That sounds rather weird, but I'm sure you'd agree if I say that bath times help to clear your mind and chase the evils away. It seems lousy to be spending a day brooding over mere marks. (MERE marks?!) Rather the time could be better spent, like posting on one's blog (o_o) or well, doing revision!

I'll be doing revision later. After dinner!
What I shall do:
Exercises from Chinese O level book
Some Sec 3 topic revision (if there's still time. hopefully there is)

Then I'll read.

When you're brooding over something, everything else seems doubly bad, and they all come at you to make you even more depressed. But after that you realize that actually, you were the one who placed all these expectations on yourself, and that you would be better off without them to worry your mind. Better off to do other more constructive things.

Hinthint* to self.

Sometimes school just seems like an endless list of things to do. I think I'm really looking forward to the end of year programmes now. :)

Although school seems like an endless road to hell, but it makes me glad to know there are people along the way who will give me really encouraging feedback, and also less pleasant but constructive advice. It also makes me happier that, in the end, the road doesn't actually lead to hell, but leads to (erm) well, good, solid, fragrant, earth!

Frankly I don't understand what I just wrote, seriously. I just mean that although school life is so blah, it will end in something good.

Majulah marshy.

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