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Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm starting to feel that there's something extra there with me whenever I sit down. It's called my tummy. D: I'm putting on weight! It's like how garfield lay down and thought that there was somebody in there with him, who/which turned out to be his tummy. Eek.

Teachers' Day concert today was as usual awesome and really funny! Even though I've seen my teachers dance before I still can't get used to the fact that they do, and I think other people felt that way too, everyone was screaming in shock/excitement! hahah!
And Barbarella was absolutely funny! <3

But right now it's like the feeling after you get a high-- boredom and something like not knowing what to do next. Hmm.

Speaking of CmPS, I think school creates much of the generation gap. Because you spend most of your childhood and adolescence and school, so school actually forms a major part of your character and personality. And your parents don't attend school with you, so they can't experience what you've learnt from both your teachers and (of course) your (crazy) friends. And the schooling systems between one generation and another is also very different; see John Holt's essay and you'll know that your parents probably attended a school which was heavy on discipline, and on memory and technical work. But schools now are not like that.

So children and their parents have different ways of thinking and different approaches to family life. And sometimes it gets so bad that children and their parents speak on totally different wavelengths and that's how you get the extreme cases where parents don't talk much to their children and vice versa.

That's why children stick to their parents more when they are younger but drift apart from their parents as they get older, or as they spend more time with their friends.

Am I making sense or is it just that older children just want more time to be independent and all that? Or maybe it's both.

Of course in most cases, parents and children are reasonably close to each other. But you rarely see a parent and a child who are really close to each other right, like BFFs? o_o
But I just remembered a part in the Last Lecture, where the narrator (Randy Pausch) gets (really accurate) love advice from his parents. I guess a parent-child relationship on the best-friends-level would be quite unthinkable, but a relationship on the advisor-and-student level would be what all of us are going through now. Which is good.

Which is a sensible conclusion!

I'm going to copy parts of that and put it into OneXYGENeration's facebook group. Please join! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=125600147330&mid=1007aa0G23bf2f41G26c8159G6 There you go.

By the way, Jason Mraz is an awesome singer! I'm glad to be a fan of his. :)
And Taylor Swift isn't that odd after all. I thought she was kind of weird singing love songs all day(and I also thought Teardrops on My Guitar's MV was really odd), but now I think that her MVs are actually funny and her voice is good. :) Cheers to all singers out there! I'll always like music with vocals (i mean music with a voice. is that what you call it?) because I know that it's near impossible for me to have a singer's voice. Yay!

I think I'll miss NY more than I miss NYPS when I graduate next year. But that's not the point. I'll miss ny when I graduate next year! Because concerts are always a blast and the teachers are always very sporting! :D And I'll miss the friendly all-girl atmosphere too. Heheh. I don't know how to describe it. I'll probably describe this feeling better next year. Because right now it's this feeling coupled with feelings for work.

Eech. Okay. Bye bye!

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