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Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm gonna listen to Abracadabra D: Please note that I only like the song! D:

I can't blog! The song kills my brain!
ARGH the video is incredibly disturbing!
(Are korean boybands inclined to act gay while girlbands inclined to act lesbian or something? o_o)

If these bands were singaporean bands I think the forum would be flooding with letters arguing whether these videos were bad for children, or would show a negative image of our country. Not a veiled criticism or anything, just a culture thing. Because I can't really see our olders (not elders) appreciating/accepting this kind of pop music. And we, some of us, would probably also find it weird (like me!) .
But I can't imagine how our local music culture will be like. Because a) I don't really listen to local music, oops and b) it's not really mature yet, right? Maybe we are more of the mellow type, like electrico (which is like coldplay! yay!) and dick lee who pens nice-feeling songs. (And weird bubblegum pop people like By2.)

My mood this week was not so good at the beginning and then good at the end! Weird. I can't figure out why. Don't mistake me for an emo kid!
But I guess contentedness/happiness is just an attitude away. Which is quite hard to achieve. Oh wells. Enough of these murky mood moments.

Wahahah. I think my mum and brother have been telling me things like "Why aren't you studying now!" and "Have you started revising?" and "You better study hard eh" everyday! (save for one or two rare days.)
Not complaining, because these jolting comments are good reminders...

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