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Monday, July 29, 2013

So Sambatida III was really really fun! Happiest I've been in a while. Other times I'm just relaxed/bored/meh. Foolishly fantasized about having another samba tour, preferably the following weekend, to cure the nostalgia that set in while I was on the way home. But I guess having it only once a year makes it all the more special and worth remembering. :)
It's really nice to perform. It's like I'm transported to this special zone where there's just the rhythms and a whole bunch of people in my cca with me side-stepping and smiling and making faces at the crowd, and cheering. And the occasional glimpse of someone in the crowd smiling or nodding with the beat. 
Performance and post-performance feelings: It's comparable to how I feel when the inner kid in me looks up and realizes that she is surrounded by adults. (Or kids pretending to be adults?) Because kids are really absorbed in their own world, right? They don't notice their surroundings. But adults are painfully aware of their surroundings. 

So yes, after the performance I regained my sight of my surroundings. Painfully. And realized that I just had a really kick-ass time at Sambatida III, and nothing else can ever compare to it. 

Hold up, hold on. Don't be scared; you'll never change what's been and gone. (Oasis' Stop Crying Your Heart Out)

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