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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I'm here 'cos I'm bored to tears. I could: read a book, or iron some clothes. Don't feel like doing either. Suits  season 3 is airing on July 16; 6.5 more days. It's not an awesome show but... it's a smart show that I find quite interesting and relevant.

Helped out for camp yesterday. Found out that one of my classes for next sem has like the whole law school's most talkative/competitive people together --> freaked out. Why? 'cos class part is gonna be a crazy/possibly-entertaining debate. Which I need to be a part of so that I can have my marks. Felt slightly depressed for a while until I scouted around and amassed a few familiar (and possibly less competitive) names who are going to be in that class with me. Great. Felt better after that. In my excitement/panic I spoke to 3 people who are going to be in that class with me--
One of them was next to me and she was freaking out too. And she was considering changing her class. >( Hope she doesn't.
One of the guys in that class was there, so I asked him, and he was like, they class part then class part luh! Neh mind! Donno if male pride at work or he's really chill. Oh well. I could do with some male pride too, to calm my senses.
And the last guy who was there started zoning out when I told him the news and didn't really react. Just 'oh okay' and a vague/bored smile. This one still in holiday mood.
Texted 2 other girls who are gonna be in that class too; one of them freaked out and considered changing class too, but decided against it later; the other said 'haha let's chill at the back together!' Hmm. She's in holiday mood too.

Went for samba after that. Entertaining, because they were thinking of choreography to do for our gig. Some guy suggested doing the dance in Thrift Shop, and he started gyrating and singing 'I've got 20 dollars in my pocket!' LOLOL. But of course no one heeded his advice, we just laughed. Some other guy started gyrating with him. LOL. Anyway speaking of our gig you can come down if you're free...hurhurh... it's free-of-charge!

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