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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hmm came here with a vague topic in mind but got distracted, and I realize that I actually don't have anything to blog about. Which is a good thing! No emo-ness. :D

Invited all my fb friends to the performance on sunday in a rush of excitement. A friend made me realize that, hey, I actually invited my sec school teachers and long-lost classmates and vague acquaintances as well. Cringed at the thought of meeting them. Hey, I don't mean to offend, but it would be like crossing some kind of time-honoured geographical boundary we've had for a while. If I do see them I'll put my game face on anyway and greet them. Hahaha. But common sense tells me they'll continue to keep to that geographical boundary and I won't see them. It's only human nature to keep to some boundaries.

Realized that I'm not the only one with commitment issues for cca. My friends and I admitted to each other that we thought of quitting at some point, and that it really has an intensive schedule. But something has kept us here... and I think it's the hope of maybe going to brazil. And the stress-relief.

Can't really explain some choices I make, and when I can't, I think it's good to say 'Aiyah, YOLO.' Picked it up from some person in my cip who kept saying YOLOOOO~~ (stands for 'you only live once'). I wonder what my uni life would be like if I hadn't joined samba. Maybe I'd have signed up for more law subcomm stuff (e.g. grad night, camp, etc) out of sheer boredom.

Oh yes, I had a 2-day camp over the weekend. I think I'm not 100% faci material. Maybe 80%. This 80% is enthusiastic enough to encourage freshies to cheer and make some noise myself, and helpful enough to take care of their welfare (drinks, holding doors open, holding barang-barang). The other 20% just flips and gets impatient when they don't cheer and just look sian... Was slightly depressed at how quiet/slow they were. But on the bright side, 'htht' (heart to heart talk) was quite entertaining. Caught sight of eye candy. Heheh. BUT before you ask me for more details, stop and ask yourself what eye candy really means. It just means somebody who looks good. Doesn't go any further. So no point bringing it up during discussions.

'Cos it's scary when you think what could go wrong in relationships. I've come across many divorces, and most of the time it's the lady who is seeking aid in clearing up all the divorce/alimony/maintenance/child-custody shit. The guy is usually the one who disappears. On the surface these ladies are calmly settling all the crap, but beneath that surface... I can only try to imagine what sort of wreckage has happened there. Quite a one-sided view though; I know there are wounded guys out there too. But I'm a girl, so I speak for myself. So, the point is, looks and first/second/third impressions don't matter... The only thing that matters is how much you know about the other person's character. And how do you get to truly know somebody? You need lots of time. So... doesn't look like any time soon.

Also I'm getting worried that I'm not spending enough time with family. Ideally it would be every evening... but this week I will be out for 6 out of 7 evenings. :O Oh well, as time passes, I will. spend. more. time. at home. with. family. :/ See what I mean by commitment issues with cca? (Although it's really fun to groove to the rhythms we play.)

And tadah apparently I'm not alone in my thoughts. There Is More To Life | Thought Catalog
"There is more to life than this very moment that we are experiencing. Though we are in it and though we relish in it, it does not define our lives. It does not define our capabilities, our hopes, our dreams, and our future. We can dare to look at out lives in a bigger way – a way that we see all of our accomplishments and failures."

Borrowed 2 books from library. One is The Reluctant Fundamentalist and the other is Keeper of Dreams (by Orson Card). Borrowed them 'cos they were featured in the newspaper under a section for 'books adapted into movies'. Reluctant Fundamentalist is good, so far.

Hmm well... Conclusion: Summer's satisfying.

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