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Thursday, July 11, 2013

When the body decides for you that it has had enough sleep.
Feeling quite exhausted though.

Recent events and recent words have made me question-- why do people see guys as the stronger gender?
I don't see why.
I'm not saying that girls are more superior. I just observe that girls generally display more maturity and restraint. If I were to give an analogy, I'd say guys are like dogs, dashing madly about everywhere without a care for the consequences of their dashing about; girls are more like ... cats and songbirds. More refined. (My knowledge of the animal kingdom is kinda confined to these 3 right now. It's too early in the morning).
I guess the world doesn't feel that being mature and showing restraint equates to strength... The complexity of the world probably makes us value mindless-dashing-about more than being refined. Mindless-dashing-about takes centre stage. Those in the backstage can be refined and mature and show restraint for all they like.
Hmm I can think of instances when restraint gets in the way though. But maturity? We need more of that where it matters. Meaning, it's great to show your childish side 'cos people like me love it, but when it comes to greater decisions, maturity matters.
That said, I need to add that not all girls are mature, and not all guys are immature. There definitely are quite a few exceptions. Just a general idea.

Words of wisdom from our samba instructor that I remember every now and then. "When you go full-time you have no choice but to be great."
He said that with reference to the music industry.
I guess it applies everywhere else. It isn't easy.
But that drive. I love it. That's why I still remember these words.

I'm gonna pop some tags... Only got 20 dollars in mah pocket!!!
Current earworm.

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