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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sighs... Just watched Before Sunrise and its sequel, Before Sunset. They are movies, by the way. Sounds cheesy? Yeah, kinda, but I like them very much. My heart's sort of dissolving into molecules now. It's not the typical happily-ever-after plot. It's more bittersweet. Both movies are basically just documenting a conversation between a couple, but it's amazing how it can make me think so much. I also went to read the plot outline for Before Midnight.
My thoughts summarized:
1. Love is sweet; love is selfish, even though many people think love is unselfish. (as opined by the male lead)
2. Divorce is even more selfish, but after watching the movies I understand why so many people are getting divorced nowadays
(so hmm, are people getting more selfish? Are we more selfish than our grandparents were? 'Cos we live more for ourselves than for our kids?)
3. The kid suffers, naturally
And the kid grows up with a wrecked mind because he knows his parents don't love each other. :(

Okay I think I should look at fluffier things.

Seems like an apt song for the moment:

And it seems like when people have more freedom, they feel more insecure about the decisions they make. Here in a more developed society, many people have the choice to take up a comfortable white-collar job with a comfortable paycheck. They have the freedom to choose. It takes courage and the ability to go through lots of insecurity to take a step out of this job circle and venture into a less 'reliable' one like music or art.

In less developed countries, where people are dirt-poor or fall below the middle-class range, they don't have the freedom to choose. They just use whatever skills they have and try to make money out of it. And it's a make or break thing cos they can only rely on that specific skill to survive.

Suddenly remembered what my instructor said: 'When you go full time, you have no choice but to be great'. When you have a choice not to go full-time with your artsy job, you might not give it your all, because you can always scuttle back to your comfy job in the air-conditioned office. Or you might choose to straddle both jobs, in which case you probably can't give it your all as well. You'll probably give it your all, though... if you discover you really hate that office job.

Same thing with relationships. We have more freedom now to choose which spouse we want, because we are not bound by religion or the pressure of social stigma to stay together. Hence we feel so insecure about marriage and people keep divorcing.

I guess people grow older but they can't seem to grow up.

Beep. Just bored. That's why all the yakking.

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