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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Felt a huge emotional tiredness in me today, so huge that I considered what it would be like to just sleep in school tonight. Turns out that when I reached home, I wasn't tired at all, and I'm not tired now either. The strain has lifted. I guess I really missed home, and my mummy, and home. Yes. :3
Today I realized that I have acquired a rather tactless tongue and that actually people are as sensitive as I am, or maybe even more. 
Just spotted a few more averted glances, slumped shoulders and sulky mouths today. 
I'm not really tactless, honestly, just teasing. And none of them were my doing, except the averted glance, but I think the person's just more sensitive than usual.
Some dude was sitting slumped on the floor hugging his drum and somebody decided to ruffle his hair to ... encourage him. And then some girl was sitting alone looking rather forlorn when my friend decided to sit next to her and chat with her. Naww. The whole loud-mouthed, constantly-on-a-high image that I thought we had-- not 100% representative. This loud side of us probably only manifests during performances and bursts of happiness during rehearsals.
I guess a few others are really empathetic. I don't think I have much empathy. I did, I guess, when I was younger, but it's lost now. 
It's a bit scary, when you think about how there are 50+ people drumming together and all of us have different moods and thoughts. But we all move together and play the same song. And then we go back home to our own thoughts and lives. I guess it's what my friend meant by one big cca but not really feeling close. Don't get me wrong, we do have close friends/cliques in there. And so do others. But we just aren't the sort that masses gravitate towards.
Kinda nervous about Sunday. :O Supposed to be acting cool, so maybe I'll wear shades, and the shades can give me some anonymity and I can try shaking my ass more. :D
Honestly I wish this summer wouldn't pass and I could just go for cca. Only. And then I'll graduate with a drumming degree. Whee. 

Haunting lyrics... 
'Cos all of the stars have faded away
Just try not to worry, you'll see them someday
Take what you need, and be on your way 
And stop crying your heart out.

Alright now I'm in the mood for some supper and chatting with friends/acquaintances but... where have the people gone? My mood really does fluctuate. Okay time to sleep.

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