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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hmm, there's been nothing much on my mind recently. I suppose that's a good thing! Because it means that I'm generally, um, more contented...

Had a talk on cosmology today, and I think it was quite fascinating. It wasn't the maths that fascinated. It was more of how those researchers actually figured out the equations (what-- hubble's constant, cosmological constant, some metric), when there wasn't actually anyone else to teach them about cosmology (since they were the pioneers themselves).

I feel like I'm a slave of facebook. Always checking newsfeed. ARGH. Cos I'm bored and the internet doesn't really offer any other cheap and quick alternative to boredom. Except twitter? o_o but there's no difference between facebook and twitter because they are both lousy social netowrking sites for us flighty people. I guess I just insulted half the world, hehs.

Anyway, if you are bored, you can look up 0adrianlee0 on youtube. He plays lots of songs on the piano! Like Linkin' Park's songs (wow, piano rock!) and other pop songs, including some older ones by the Beatles. Really cool! :)

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