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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chinese was okay, maybe a little li2ti2, but hopefully an improvement from BT2. Nothing else to say... strange how I wanted to start this post with something else, but decided that it was only natural that I started with an update on how my tests went.

Just read my bro's blog, and I'm kind of surprised/amused (in a more respectful way) at how deep he can get. Hahah, I'm not saying that I always thought how boys in general, or specifically my brother, are shallow beings.
I wonder if he reads my blog, but I seriously doubt older brothers would bother to read their younger sisters' blogs. That's not the point.
I've got some comments I want to tell him, but posting them on a public tagboard seems really weird especially for people who live together. But on the other hand, it will definitely be weird if I tell him what I think face-to-face. Firstly, it's kind of unnecessary, and secondly, it's odd for a younger sister to be talking deep secrets with her elder brother.


Human beings are really secretive. How many of your secrets do you share? I guess people write blogs because they need a place to keep all their secrets, which they bury in between rants about what they just did and how their day was. When there was no Internet I guess they resorted to writing secret letters and tucking them into little nooks in their rooms. Or they wrote letters to their friend/pen pal/family back at home to complain about their hard times, because writing out your troubles is usually easier than telling someone about it face-to-face.
I guess it's correct to say that human beings are naturally lonely creatures, because more often than not, they can't find a fellow human being to spill all their secrets out to.

Now for IH. Hello IH.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Now for a quick blog...!

I finally found out who Yo-Yo Ma is... I always thought he was some Latin American guy who was a cellist and who had a hip-hop edge to his music. Now I know he's a Chinese who plays the cello...lols.

Anyway, I couldn't resist popping by blogger since I was online.
I've been feeling tired in school, even though I think I should have gotten used to my erratic sleeping times by now. I guess much of the tiredness comes from stress, maybe, and I think it would be a good thing for me to calm myself down a bit and think straight.
I'm not sure, every time EOYs come I start to have a major dilemma on how worried I should be and how best to go about studying. Hahah. That's not really the main thing to be worried about, right.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

I don't think there's a correlation as to how much I blog and how well I do for the exams... At least that doesn't make sense. :)) (<-- double chin)

I'm gaining more fats --more adipose?-- from sitting too much and eating (too much?). Hehehs. The only thing I can use to comfort myself is that being thinner will make me look unnatural and unhealthy (o_o...)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcOt6mfjxeA <-- Forrest Gump soundtrack, so nice :))
Lifehouse <3

About my ambitions, and subject combinations, I think it would be best if I follow what I think's right and stop asking people because they've got their own views, and so they'll be biased to some extent. I guess the best people to ask would be teachers. Right tigger?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Okay, firstly, is anyone interested in going for any of the following?
1) New York Philharmonic Orchestra Performance (19/20 october)
Physics test I think. But it's new york philharmonic! 8|
2) Singapore Writer's Festival
Although I'm not so enthusiastic about this one, if you're talking about trying to get advice for a writing career, but I'm interested in this for the entertainment :)

I feel like I'm knowing less and less about the people in class... Not that I was very close to a lot of people in class anyway, maybe you could say half or more of the class. After 4 years together, everyone just spaces out and finds her own comfy corner and settles down. But I'm like that too, and I think one of the more extreme loners (not in the whole sense of this word) in class, so no complaints.
Makes me regret not being more sociable in the lower sec years. lalalalah.

Just wasted the whole afternooon:
1) Read newspapers
2) Ate some junk food here and there.
Hang on, Ferero Rocher is not junk food >:(
And mooncake and cheeseballs and some HL milk hahah
3) Slept.

Shall stop wasting time here zgoshz.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I smell something really good wafting my way from my neighbour's house. Smells like pandan leaves. Maybe the Ah Ma is making some nice nyonya kuehs... Or maybe she's making green bean soup. Sniffsniff.

I was just thinking that all this negativeness that I've been harbouring these past few days probably stemmed from my lack of sleep. Because a lack of sleep leaves me in a semi-conscious mode and I just stump around all day in school without thinking anything much at all. Then I stone at home and give myself mental reminders that I have to start revising. And I do. In a stoned manner.

More sleep will perk me up. Therefore I shall sleep early tonight. Early, meaning 10.30 pm. Yay!

Jay Chou's pronunciation is horrible. People who sing rock are so much better at pronouncing words... But Jay Chou's songs are nice and the words jump out at me at random intervals, so oh well, doesn't matter.

Okay. Why do I check facebook almost everyday even if I know that I'm not going to post anything... or even do anything to it? o:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I recently rediscovered how soothing Jay Chou's and Lin Jun Jie's songs are. :D Was listening to English songs for months and suddenly I switched to Chinese songs... but my fetish with Chinese songs never lasts long... Because I don't have a lot of them! And that's because they are erm hard to *get!

(Twitter) paulo coelho: 22/09 "Reality" is whatever majority deems it to be. Be part of the minority.

Ooh. Okay. Just being random.

If you like photos, visit http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/8268633.stm because they have a collection of a few pictures every day or every few days...

I think I have a very bad habit of straying over to the negative side and wallowing in discontent... Like I always have been doing these past few weeks. But watching TV and flipping through the news always succeeds in reminding me that I'm not the only person on Earth, that there are much more wonderful and horrific things happening to people happening across the world. And that there's life beyond school...
(this is really melodramatic, but I don't want to think of how I can paraphrase that...)

Though that feeling only happens once a day, eh, not like it's easy to see very far from where I usually am, which is in the classroom.

I guess I should think of the bigger picture and set my sights farther than the end of this year, farther than me, myself and I and definitely realize that I'm not the only person sitting in class.

Shall study now, and wait for Elsa to come online so we can finish (off) Confucius.

There are so many books I want to read! But when I think about it, there are a gazillion books in the world anyway, so it makes most sense to just be patient and wait.

There are things to be accomplished, let's go!


Friday, September 18, 2009

Now to blog before EOY guilt sets in.

I've been picking on our education system lately, and I can't say I'm being fair here, because when people are displeased with their surroundings they try to find ways in which they can pick at the system. And then they feel a sense of vindictive pleasure after they succeed in finding weaknesses (or not) in it.

I liked John Holt's essay, and Michael (iforgot)'s essay ("the plural of leaf is tree") and I also liked the most recent compre about the weaknesses of Asian education. Although the last article is apparently biased. I guess the Western education system also places quite a bit of importance on ranking and achievements (if not why would people have the incentive to do well?), just that they don't place as much emphasis on it as we do. Anyway, this is a guess.

I feel like I've just been treating the languages as mere tools ever since I stepped into primary school. No, I think ever since I stepped into upper primary. GEP. Lower primary were the Lalaland days (yeah!). That's a hint at why I don't like the current education system.
That's why some people here do not regard the languages with as much respect as, say the Chinese Chinese or the European English do. Like, boomz, you know.

That's not the point!

I think I want to continue my newfounded love for books, and not leave those books in my room (and my brother's room) unread. (When I say books, I mean English books...oops...)

But then again, blaming the education system now seems like what only a loser would do. I guess the best thing I can do now is to study hard for the exams and

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hmm, there's been nothing much on my mind recently. I suppose that's a good thing! Because it means that I'm generally, um, more contented...

Had a talk on cosmology today, and I think it was quite fascinating. It wasn't the maths that fascinated. It was more of how those researchers actually figured out the equations (what-- hubble's constant, cosmological constant, some metric), when there wasn't actually anyone else to teach them about cosmology (since they were the pioneers themselves).

I feel like I'm a slave of facebook. Always checking newsfeed. ARGH. Cos I'm bored and the internet doesn't really offer any other cheap and quick alternative to boredom. Except twitter? o_o but there's no difference between facebook and twitter because they are both lousy social netowrking sites for us flighty people. I guess I just insulted half the world, hehs.

Anyway, if you are bored, you can look up 0adrianlee0 on youtube. He plays lots of songs on the piano! Like Linkin' Park's songs (wow, piano rock!) and other pop songs, including some older ones by the Beatles. Really cool! :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

I think I should put a stop to my lust for books, because I have lots of them in my shelf already, unread, and there are more in my brother's room. What's worse is I haven't been reading because my mum and brother both believe that if I read I can just say bye to my exams...

Will 1) Read alot
and 2) Play the piano
after the exams! :)

I look to your coming, O Lovely! :D

"Look to my coming on the dawn of the 5th day." -- Gandalf

Oh tralalah.
Good morning!
Now I think that yesterday's depression was just my other usual irrational side. Has cheered up quite a bit. It's immature getting sad over such stuff.

I shall go to the dentist now.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

When I'm bored, I sometimes go to this blog: http://irreligiously.blogspot.com/ . It's a way to exercise my stale mind for a bit. I think that some of the posts might be tinged with some religious preaching, but that doesn't matter a bit.

Actually I wouldn't realize if the local media was censored. That blog claims it is, and I think it is true in a way, but how do you differentiate between the government's (self-defensive) interference with the media and censorship?

And we don't really know much about the limits to which we can express our views in the Internet, right? What exactly is considered offensive?

Being quite interested in journalism myself, I personally think the post's comments on journalism were quite interesting. I admire the lady who argued with her editors in the newsroom. I think it would be interesting if a really objective, somewhat pro-opposition newspaper started circulating about Singapore.
Or is there one already?

Was feeling rather depressed at home today, because I guess that I was both fed-up with staying at home too much and also fed-up with my very immediate future-- studying, studying, studying and EOYs.

Mum noticed my lethargy and decided that we should go out to Jurong Point for a little shopping (I bought a new book called The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, unlikely that I'll read it soon because of you-know, but I'll read it in the future after the immediate one...).
Had a lunch in Lai Lai's Kitchen, then had a splitting headache on the right of my head. Amazingly, the headache vanished when I started reading random books at Popular! Yay. Stayed till 6 pm.

And then felt rather sad (like feeling one-dimensional) again after reaching home, but kind of cheered up when I started surfing the Net and blogging.

Oh, yeah.

Guess I need to pull myself out of being one-dimensional and start perking up.

-- Afterthought: And it's in times like this when I really appreciate the interaction I have with my family and friends, whoever I talked to, in whatever manner, excluding over-enthusiastic salesmen or people who try to give a free tub of lotion to my mum.
And my social circle is so tiny you could fit it into a spoon, so that makes the interaction all the more precious.
(I said spoon cause I was thinking of Hermione and Ron. "emotional range of a teaspoon"!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Watched UP today and it was very funny, very touching. The boy (Russell) is so cute! And Dug too. And Kevin! Oh wells, no spoilers!

I guess flying ants were a remnant of the forests that we, correction-- I mean the guys back in 1960s, cleared away in Jurong. Now they are back here to haunt me. Was reading and suddenly -- PLOP!-- a flying ant landed on the page. I blew it away. I think I blew it off in the vague direction of a spider's web (cleverly built between the corner of my 2 cupboards), because after a while I discovered the web and i saw a flying ant struggling there. Oops.

Then there was another PLOP and another flying ant came, so I blew it again. This time it landed about 5 cm away from the spider's web. Later when I looked, it was motionless. Oops.

I think this post is actually quite cruel.

But they bothered me so much, and they came at a bad time because I was having a blocked nose.

Must be really scary to be a flying ant. Or any other insect as small as that, or smaller than that.

I would be terrified of spiders, and those huge beige blobs that move and swipe at me while I fly about. Or worse still, blow me towards the spider's web.


I was wondering-- if people always portray giants as stupid ("big and stupid guy."), or any other large animal, like mammoths of the prehistoric times, as stupid, then doesn't it mean the bigger you are, the more stupid you get? Then aren't flying ants smarter than us? o_o heheh.

Oh wells it's just a myth. On the other hand, smarter-than-human insects would be a scary idea.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just came back from a trip to my grampa's house, and spent a rather unproductive day there. I mean very. I barely scraped a question in my maths rev booklet.
Heh and tomorrow I'm gonna watch UP! yay! finally.

Watched a show about ladyboys in Thailand. And I still feel it's unthinkable how some people are actually born a boy/girl at heart. I mean, when I was young, I never particularly wanted to behave like a boy or girl. But at the same time I think they are quite a sad/admirable bunch of people.

Facebook just sort of scared me again. I can't think what extent some people would go to to flirt. O:
Horny asses. -.-

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lol, look:
Today, I met my new teachers. My science teacher is James Potter. My name is Harry. I have asked him to adopt me so I can legally be Harry Potter. MLIA
-From mylifeisaverage.com

Okay, me's bored!
I find that I feel the boredest when I'm at home alone. My mum's out at Nanyang Glitters and my bro's off to Marina Barrage. (o_o?)
And I'm also the least productive when I'm home alone. I spent the whole of today reading through IH conflict notes without even doing up any notes for myself. At least I finished. phew?

And I gave Greenaria my pet turtle a clean-up today. Now she's hanging at the window, although there's no sun now (it's 6 pm).

Some people learn because they want to get good grades and go to university.
Some people learn because they love that subject.
Some people learn to look smart.

Number 2's the most ideal one. I guess you can only feel like number 2 when you've gotten a taste of other subjects that you don't like. Then you can truly know what you really love learning about.

I'm on the way there.

Brick walls are there for you to show how much you want something. Then I guess it also comes with a long hard slog before you finally get to the something you've always wanted. But that it probably cannot come before you experience and learn other things first.

I'm glad the holidays are here :)

No point defining what holidays mean, I guess we all know by now. And anyway, we've all learnt to appreciate whatever free time's given to us already.

Enough gabbling, off to make IH notes (finally, at 6.10 pm...)

Friday, September 4, 2009

I've been thinking about education and me (again), and I've arrived at some deductions, but I shan't post anything about it because I don't see any point in doing so.

By the way, La Chata keeps sneaking into my head. And I just played DBSK's mirotic (because I was reading the mis-read lyrics version) so it's sneaking into my head too.

I am going to get all of you! I'll be standing at a corner with a spoon. Watch out.

Today was elections day, and it was amusing to watch sec 3s freak out. Being Nice Senior, I tried to encourage them. Now I think I should just have gone 'hyehyehyeh' at them. :)

Good night!

Actually, I love how our class has stuck together for 4 years, because it's like growing up together. It might be oh-so-boring at times, or it might be so dreary that you feel like stabbing the next person who gets on your nerves, but sometimes you appreciate it. :) Actually, I have been in a very -__- mood the past few weeks. With a few exceptions of lively outbursts.

Okay, good night!

I think my classmates might well just turn out to be a sort of comfort club for next year, where everything gets invaded by more (well) 'school' and we all get split into different classes.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I need to be more aware of others' needs too.
Just as I need a peaceful environment to work and live in, others need it too.
I'll limit my playing time today!

Doing facebook quizzes is fun.

I really admire people always see the fun side in everything... even when things are dreary/sad/unfulfilling.

I just feel that the atmosphere in school is rather tense, tired.

But I don't want to continue mulling over this statement because I don't want to end up feeling like that also!

I don't feel all that tense or tired. Or maybe I do, sometimes in school. And when I reach home I ease up again, on such days.

Speaking of home, I took a nap this afternoon and woke up feeling extremely guilty. D: Guilt always comes after naps. Is it such a bad thing to sleep!
Obviously not, it gives me energy to do work later on.

Onward myself, and onward all my friends!
jiayou :]

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZIIJ0_R_Ok REALLY AWESOME! :)
I think too little exercise is making me think too much. Too much because the thinking's going round in circles, so it's totally redundant!

Shall aim to jump and prance about more.

And try some way to do more exercise.

I think exercise truly helps you focus, funnily enough.
I used to think exercise was for nutters with too much time on their hands...

Turns out that I want to be a nutter now.

Hahah! I'd like to recall one incident before I get away from slackerdom. Slackerness plus boredom. O:

(Almost) Every student in school: BOOM BOOM!

Mr Mac: ... ... ... POW!

Heheh! Forgot about it until I saw a Facebook video of it. Too bad for them and too good for us that the video rule was ignored. :)

I smell good food from my neighbour's house.

Three or four days ago, when my mum and I got out of the lift at our floor, our neighbour's dog Yoyo dashed out and started jumping about us and licking my hands! :D Yay! So cute. It's white and fluffy, but it doesn't have weird curly fur, like poodles. Heheh.