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Sunday, December 23, 2012

So tired on both days of busking! Tired until cannot think. No stamina.
But it was great fun. The Lions won the football match, right? Their fans apparently contacted our cca president and asked us to join in their celebration so while the Lions drove into Orchard we played our rhythm for them while the fans danced around happily. I've never done this sort of thing in my life before and privately I couldn't believe what was happening, while on the outside I smiled and hit my drum :D The rain added on to the surrealism of the whole thing. Am I really playing my drum on Orchard Road in the rain with football fans jumping around me?
Cool beans!

After the Lions left an even larger crowd stayed behind to watch our last performance of the day. Felt good to have a crowd watching us play, all armed with cameras and phones to record our performance. :)

Now that busking is over I shall turn my focus to readings....

Aims for next year (i.e. next sem)
1. Higher gpa
2. Stay on in samba
Yes I will do that even if there are a thousand of person-mentioned-in-previous-post in the cca!
And make sure my skills are up to mark so that at the end of next year I'll get selected for the overseas trip, either in Coburg or in Brazil. Currently they are alright but I'm always one of the slowest to remember new rhythms. Apparently there is an audition for going overseas~

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