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Monday, December 17, 2012

I'm so free nowadays, I let my mind wander. So I'll pen my thoughts down.
For the past few days I've been caught up with what the meaning of life is. So I googled it and read through what some philosophers have said about this topic, and realized that some of it are quite familiar from what I read in JC. But there were some new stuff, and I read through them.
At first I thought my belief tied in quite nicely with Absurdism, which highlights the irreconciliability between our search for the meaning of life and the meaninglessness of the universe i.e. how can one find meaning in a meaningless universe? Then I realized it's quite a despairing answer and it's quite hard for me to acknowledge that I live in a meaningless world.
And then I read on... and found something that I'm more comfortable with, something called secular humanism:  "It is based on the premises that the happiness of the individual person is inextricably linked to the well-being of all humanity, in part because humans are social animals who find meaning in personal relations and because cultural progress benefits everybody living in the culture.[38][39]"
Yup, and after that I got too lazy to read on.
These few days I switch on the laptop with hopes to start reading in advance for next semester (as our profs have warned us to do...) but I always end up doing other stuff like blogging.
Tomorrow I'll be free in the late afternoon before samba, and I'll be outside. Maybe I'll try to read my stuff in an atas cafe like Starbucks so that I can feel like I'm on holiday rather than studying.