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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shall do a narration of my life since wednesday.
Went out with elsa and cheryl for lunch and chat. It was good to chat with old friends. 
Pro bono: interesting stuff but was kept busy with no time to talk to the lawyers.
Met with elsa (ha elsa again) and joey for lunch. A lazy day. It rained while we were eating so the atmosphere was really comfortable. (don't you love sitting indoors when it's raining)
Watched The Hobbit. This movie deserves 10 stars. The Hobbit and LOTR movies are in a class of their own and no other movie I watch can beat them, really. 
There was eye candy: 
This is Kili, Fili's brother.
Sadly he died in the Battle of Five Armies.

More eye candy (a cute one this time):
The next-door man hobbit who turns out to be a hero.
Makes the average cinema-goer (actually I mean myself) wonder if there's an inner hero in themselves too. 

Now I can't stop listening to this:
During the fighting scenes, when the instrumental part of this song plays, the average cinema-goer (I mean myself) will get really excited.

Brother caught the flu. Unfortunate, because this is one of his rare breaks (4 days). Had soup for lunch hoping that it would make his nose feel better (but it didn't).

Went for samba in the afternoon and dinner with samba people after. Got really full after eating the chicken pita, and munched through the sides (macaroni cheese and coleslaw) reluctantly; didn't finish in the end. Was surrounded by seniors whom I haven't really talked to (actually I haven't talked to a lot of people) so I was quite quiet compared to last week's dinner. I discovered that one of the questions I'm really uncomfortable with is 'what school are you from'/'what course do you study'. A senior asked me that today (this is the first time I actually sat down to a meal with him and other people), and I arranged my features to form a blank face before saying 'Law'. Unfortunately he did not hear me and said 'what?', and I responded to him with narrowed eyes and a wrinkled nose before repeating myself. Was trying to figure out a way to say a different type of school without saying law (i.e. maybe say hwach) but realised it didn't make sense. The poor guy looked sheepish and shifted in his seat and I realized my discomfort must have shown. If you know me well enough, I guess you'll know that I can be rather sensitive about people judging me with regard to academics. Past experiences tell me that it happens.

The seniors (guys) started reminiscing about a certain person who quit the cca (their batchmate) and said that she was probably the reason that kept them going in cca. My interest was piqued. One of them offered more information and said that she's got one of the best legs around. You can guess my response-- I started judging him immediately. Another guy (the same poor guy who looked sheepish a while ago) noticed my narrowed eyes and tried to salvage his friend's predicament by saying that he's just honest, to which I felt sheepish in return and agreed. But his friend was not listening; he was staring into space, probably reminiscing more... ^_^
Took the train with a JD law student (jurisdoctor; i.e. person-who-takes-law-as-a-2nd-degree). And yes, she's in samba! *clapclap* Increased respect. She's quiet in CCA but really chatty on the train. She's nice. She's my brother's age and talking to her felt (momentarily) like talking to an elder sister. ^_^
All in all, an entertaining day.

My new motto in life is not to take things so seriously and laugh at everything including myself. (except when the situation is particularly grievous or tragic and calls for a solemn mood; touch wood.)

When I got home my mum reminded me again that I shouldn't start watching a new drama (since I've wasted days to watch dong yi), but I wish she wouldn't because hearing people talk about dramas makes me want to watch more. e.g. Suits. Is it really good? It seems so because everyone who watches it talks about it with a twinkle in their eye. Like how I talk about The Hobbit with many twinkles in my eyes. Bleh I'm a bit off. IT'S 2 AM.
Not the kpop band.

I wanna meet up with more people but it seems like my schedule next week is packed. I think my schedule next next week is not packed though, that's good.

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