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Monday, December 24, 2012

Sigh my mum just lectured me for not studying for such a long time and sleeping 11 hours last night and such. Dampened my mood. Oh well.... And another prof emailed us saying that we can go check the website now for the first week's readings. Okay, yes world, I recognize the signs! Signs that i should really be studying. (And not blogging)
Dislikes the word 'should'.
Checked my classlists for all my next sem's classes and recognized a lot of names. And a lot of names repeat for all 3 law classes. Boring... or maybe not!
Whee busking is fun!


  1. Lol marshy I get that feeling too when I get nagged at... Ah it's the thought that counts >.< Jiayou! It takes time to get the momentum back during holidays! Like a car stalls if it doesn't start in first gear. Heehee.

  2. Haha the car analogy makes sense!
    Okay I'll go back to reading :D
