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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Read my brother's post and remembered that I read a few articles over the course of my first term. From them I've formed an impression of Singaporeans:
Utilitarian-- Definitely influenced by a government who embodies utilitarianism better than any other government in the world. I remember reading an article about the death penalty and caning as mandatory sentences-- we use a cannon to shoot a fly, because all we want to do is shoot down the fly and we don't give enough regard to others who can be harmed by that cannon. Nothing wrong with that for the rocky beginnings of our nation, but maybe now it's time for us to loosen up and re-assess our values?
We make all, if not most, choices using cost-benefit analysis. E.g. We tell our children to be doctors and lawyers because they earn the most money and the most prestige, we make our children do cip by making it compulsory for them to earn cip hours.
I'll remember these articles I've read and I'll try not to be like that.

A quote from the hobbit reflects my opinion entirely. This is what Thorin, while on his deathbed, told Bilbo:
"There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."

The dwarves have a weakness for gold bordering on obsession, and it does not seem to have brought them anything much other than a lot of battles.
Bilbo, my hero! A hero who also evokes my sympathy when I watch (in LOTR) how he gets slightly obsessed with the Ring he picked up in Gollum's cave.

Thinking about the ring...

But at least he seems happier here after he gave up the ring!

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