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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Felt peaceful as a cat when I reached home today and curled up on the sofa watching TV without feeling guilty.
And then now I sit down and I feel an emptiness inside me because idk what to do now that I have so much time. D:
Strange world I live in, strange me...
At least I have one thing to do for now-- read Cloud Atlas!
Plans for a 3.5 week holiday:
1. get in touch with myself-- have I changed, what has 4 months of smu turned me into?
2. spend time with mum because I didn't see her much during school time
3. watch the hobbit with bro. a date with my bro!
4. go out with my friends and talk over a meal :) and shop.
5. read cloud atlas. finally, my first fiction book in 4 months
6. buy next term's books and start on next term's readings (not a priority...)
7. attend samba practices
8. clc session on 12 dec
9. neaten my room
Hmm. Nothing much else. Why's the list so short! But I guess it's enough.

There's so many wars we fought
There's so many things we're not
But with what we have, I promise you that
We're marching on

Maybe I'll get their album in 2013. :D