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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My 2nd paper is over. Strangely but nicely I've felt quite at peace with myself after both of the papers I've had so far, with only minor grouses. I really hope they turn out to be minor things. But that's how it is with essay papers-- you always feel like you wrote okay stuff, but whether they are okay or not will just be up to the prof. It's not like math or science with only 1 answer. And another thing-- I've stopped discussing papers with friends. But there's nothing much to discuss anyway because they are essays.
After my exam I went to print the Penal Code which is really thick. Spent 12 bucks on it, and then realized that I'll be chucking it aside once my criminal law exam is over next week. -.- 
Went for lunch with a group of friends, which was quite a nice break amid all the mugging. 
Staying in school now with a chewy (hahaaa) because I feel like I've been home too much-- need to get some exposure to some sunlight. But there is not much sunlight here! 
Been playing onerepublic songs on youtube all the time. :) Looking forward to their next album in early 2013.
Have you ever felt a bit odd about yourself after you've said something? E.g. after saying something without giving any thought to it, you realize something about yourself, subconsciously. Anyway today I said that I won't get to know all the people in law school even after 4 years because I'll just bid for modules with friends. (if we can manage the time and the e-dollars, and if there are friends who want to do that.)
Hmm anyway what I realized is, I'm quite an anti-social person. 
Sigh why am I judging myself. 
I realize I judge myself the most when I've been doing revision for a long time. A friend of mine calls it an existential crisis (on her facebook) -- and no, I didn't speak to her about this. We seem to be having existential crises at the same time.
If I get an existential crisis every time I have my exams, I'll be having 2 of them a year until I graduate from law school.

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