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Friday, November 30, 2012

Heard this on the radio a while back and thought it was not bad.
Then I realized it features Ryan Tedder! So now this is one of my favourite songs. Hahahah.

 Just a right mix of rap and his tenor voice. :D Lyrics are bit gloomy though (give me scars, give me pain?), but they could be inspiring too I guess (there goes a fighter~).

Acknowledge your dark side, and if there's a dark side, there is a bright side as well, so treasure that part of yourself. Once you do that you can acknowledge that everyone around you has a dark side and a bright side too and perhaps you'll appreciate life more. And remember to pay more attention to your bright side than your dark side.
Quoted from yours truly. I think it's a side effect of revision. I said that because we usually beat ourselves up over things we did that we, on hindsight, don't approve of. But this dark side makes us human, so we shouldn't wrap it up and stuff it in our closet. We should wear it on our sleeves, to remind ourselves, and remind others who we really are.
Gosh I'm thinking of what a certain Lord Atkin said:
Personally, I do not understand the difference between a thing dangerous in itself, as poison, and a thing not dangerous as a class, but by negligent construction dangerous as a particular thing. The latter, if anything, seems the more dangerous of the two; it is a wolf in sheep's clothing rather than an obvious wolf." 
Yup, let's not be dangerous by negligent construction of our own characters, let's be obvious wolves.
There, a song to go with what I said.

I have about 4 youtube tabs open when I'm studying....


  1. Love both songs too!! although the first time I heard the song I thought he was singing "there goes a FIREEEEE" so I was like o_o uhhh what?? then I looked up the lyrics and realised he was singing 'fighter'. Kelly Clarkson is the best. I love all her songssssssss<3

  2. haha!
    I like Kelly Clarkson's songs too but I don't really listen to them.
    Cos noisy so cannot study. lolz.
