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Monday, May 6, 2013

Just read an article that poey linked a long time ago.
Anyway, here's one of the paragraphs.

7. Your parents don't want what is best for you. They want what is good for you, which isn't always the same thing. There is a natural instinct to protect our children from risk and discomfort, and therefore to urge safe choices. Theodore Roosevelt—soldier, explorer, president—once remarked, "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Great quote, but I am willing to bet that Teddy's mother wanted him to be a doctor or a lawyer.

Very inspiring paragraph, except the last sentence hurt a bit.
What, being a lawyer is just a safe choice? I guess there's some truth there. I picked law because I didn't know what else to do. Doctor? Not just a safe choice, at least you're saving lives or making someone's life better. Hmm. But lawyers can make lives better too, I suppose. Marginally. Depends on what you actually do.

I wonder what people really think, or if they are thinking at all, when they smile and tell me, Wow, one doctor and one lawyer in your family, not bad, eh? I suppose they are thinking of money. But money-- that's just the material aspect. I don't reply to them, I just smile a bit painfully (I'm thinking of myself, not thinking of my bro when I say 'painfully', obviously). Being a lawyer doesn't mean anything. It's just another job title. I haven't actually done anything substantial! Neither do I have anything substantial in my head, but you aren't supposed to know that.

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