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Monday, May 6, 2013

Being free means allowing myself to think, more systematically, through things that I usually brush aside and tell myself, oh it's not worth my brain cells.
For example... when something bizarre hits me, I kind of think through it straightaway now instead of pushing it aside to make way for more important stuff like homework. Even though my brain protests a little at being asked to think.
Went to check my results, only one more came out. Sigh I really thought I'd do better for that one.I really don't know where I went wrong. I thought I learnt a damn huge amount from that course, really. Maybe it's my arguments, although without my answer script, I can't pinpoint any actual mistakes. KIV- reminder to self to revisit this portion of life.
There was a time, and this period of time only just ended, when I thought to myself that my ideal learning environment will be twice as slow as all this, because I learn best over idle chit chat. Not sure how idle-chit-chat-learning will actually work out, though, maybe it only works for gossip. This time started in about JC and ended sometime in my 2nd semester of uni, when I realized that it's no good clinging on to my ideals of how I want the world to fit me. It's more useful learning the ropes of this crazy world and then finding my own way to make this world a better place for other people. Right now I'm still grasping at these ropes.

But at the same time I'm really enjoying the holidays.

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