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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I feel really impatient today when reading my notes. Sigh. If my notes had a face I'd probably have punched it by now. But luckily it doesn't have a face. D: Can you imagine. Then it will keep telling me to study. T_T
Anyway somebody posted this on facebook and I think it's quite a pleasure to listen to. What it says is not very earth-shaking; it's just a relaxing poetry recital. Sort of gives you the ^_^ feeling.

Now that I've listened to it I don't really feel like punching my notes anymore.

Was surfing through Thoughtcatalog when I saw a tribute to a character called Holly Golightly, from this book called Breakfast at Tiffany's. I need to read this book in summer! :D

And... yesterday C asked me something about the Friend I like. (You know what I'm talking about right?) It's true that I'm not completely over it. But things have definitely changed: I've removed my rose-tinted glasses-- do I really...? And is he really...? I've started looking at other things (how can I not, when there's pages and pages of stuff for me to read and type). But by other things I mean planning for my holiday as well. She asked if I would mind if he became attached (but not to me). I suppose I would mind. I would curse the girl in my head for at least 10 seconds, at most a day or two; unless the girl is my friend, in which case I will gracefully give my blessings, and secretly I will mourn a bit for my love life.
But after all, nobody belongs to anyone (as Holly Golightly apparently said), so no strong feelings, and even if there are strong feelings, they won't be permanent.
We are free.
Meanwhile, we stay in friendzone. Hahahah.

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