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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Summer is to be savoured slowly, day by day, like how you savour Nutella teaspoon by teaspoon.

Went for a talk today by some alumni, a HR person and a prof about law in general. Quite eye-opening. And I realize that I feel slightly more awkward around my classmates now that the holidays are here. Well, inevitable consequence of spending more time with myself and less time with people. But the constant wit that some people have really amazes me.

Oh well! Tonight's not exactly the night to contemplate stuff. Off to Bangkok with my bro tomorrow morning. :D

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Results out. Died on my tort paper, as expected. And by 'died', I really mean died. A little part of me died too. But no matter, things die, and things grow.

A few issues weighing on my mind...

One of them is whether I should quit my cca.
Why I want to quit:
1. It's not worth so much of my time. I could spend my time doing other stuff-- recharging, studying more, or whatever else.
Not sure whether it will really help in my studies if I spend more time on it. I doubt it. It's not the time, it's me.  And the important question then is, what keeps me in the best condition to tackle law stuff, is it cca, is it something else?
2. I don't belong. A few people are nice, though. But 'nice' is not all there is to it.
3. The attendance requirement sucks. It's 80% (to remain a member I think?), which does give me some leeway, but I feel obliged to turn up for every session cos it's a performing arts cca after all. And I'm too lazy to calculate exactly how many sessions 80% means.
4. I don't feel like going to school right now, during my holidays. Or should I make myself go to school anyway? The idea of that is quite distasteful. I don't really stay near school.

Why I don't want to quit:
1. Brazil! In December (quite a high probability that we're going? Although no concrete plans.)
2. It does take my mind off my studies. When term starts, life cannot just be me and my readings. I don't want to live a mundane existence of going to school just for seminars and then going home. And I do feel happier after cca.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Attempted baking with my microwave today. My first ever attempt at baking all by myself, and strangely with a microwave oven.

That sentence above already shows it was a recipe for disaster!

Threw in all the ingredients, and put it into the microwave on 'high'. 2 minutes into the baking, the texture was mushy and semi-solid. Decided to put it in for 1 more minute. That was the wrong move, because smoke started billowing out of the bowl and out of the microwave. I was scared out of my pants because I thought the microwave was going to burst into flames. I used a bamboo pole to open the microwave door because the smell was ominous (burnt carbon) and mum was scaring me with stories of exploding microwaves.
Opened the bowl gingerly with a glove. Mum used a spoon and tapped the stuff in the bowl, and oh my, it was as hard as... plastic.

Maybe I should have just stopped at 2 minutes, and it would have tasted like... chocolate mush. Edible chocolate mush.

Scraped the stuff out of the bowl. The whole house smelt of burnt carbon for a while. Earned myself a ban from microwave baking.

I really hope my microwave is in working condition, and logically speaking, it should be.


And I have actually baked successfully before, but at my friend's (Joey's) house, with a proper oven.

Mum told me to do something safer like learning how to crochet. Which looks fun, so I will try it tomorrow.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Growing up:
Just when you thought life couldn't get stranger
Another layer peels away
Revealing yet another strange sight.

But anyway isn't life full of these layers.

Glanced over my horoscope today as I do whenever I read the Life paper. Today is one of the few days when my horoscope is remarkably accurate. It says something about relationships being important to me and how I feel like I'm the only one keeping it up, while everyone is ignoring me and being busy with their own lives, or busy being silent to me. Well, maybe everything was a facade. But anyway isn't life full of these facades? My instinctive answer is no. But I can't be sure, because silences are hard to figure out. Angst aside, another half of me is trying to feel that this is hardly important, and life is ultimately about something bigger than my whims and fancies.
It can be strangely therapeutic to figure out how to spend time alone with myself.

Felt a vague sense of loss today when I flipped through the paper and read an obituary to Huang Wenyong. A brilliant star extinguished just in a matter of a few weeks/months (don't know how long he has had lymphoma cancer). I like his acting.
I should treasure my life.
And as my mum advised: Take everything seriously.
There's nothing idyllic about holidays. I learnt it some time ago, so during my exams I was not looking forward to an idyllic holiday, but rather a holiday in which I could have complete control of my time, which was what I was craving for.
To read books for hours on end without disturbance (except for messaging, which I don't mind). And to plan other stuff.

The book I'm reading is called The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Started reading it last year, or 2 years ago, but never progressed beyond that page, because that page bored me and also because I always had something else to do. So yesterday I started reading it again by choosing a more interesting section.

And when I discovered that there was an unexpected romance I decided that this was going to be an interesting book.

Except that the romance in this book is really unusual. And 'unusual' is where I will stop because if I go on you might accuse me of nasty things.

I can appreciate their romance but I don't get the sappy saccharine-sweet feeling I get when I read about other more typical romances. 

But anyway the romance is not the highlight of the book.

Howard Roark is the highlight of the book. Here's why:

'That doesn't matter. You're a profoundly religious man, Mr Roark-- in your own way. I can see that in your buildings.
He wondered why Roark stared at him like that, without moving, for such a long time.
'That's true,' said Roark. It was almost a whisper.
'I wish to call it God. You may choose any other name. But what I want in that building is your spirit. Your spirit, Mr Roark. Give me the best of that-- and you will have done your job, as I shall have done mine. Do not worry about the meaning I wish conveyed. Let it be your spirit in the shape of a building-- and it will have that meaning, whether you know it or not.'
And so Roark agreed to build the Stoddard Temple of the Human Spirit. 

Lovely page in the book. I decided to type it out to adorn my blog. (And yes, Roark is one half of the strange romance I was talking about. Unusual people have unusual romances.) And it is refreshing reading about unusual romances because it reveals yet another facet of human nature. The fluffy and romantic side of human nature is worn out. 

The characters in stories are infinitely more interesting than real life, probably because all their emotions are compressed into those few pages. In reality, life is drawn-out and there are blank spaces of boredom, almost non-living. Roark had long drawn-out periods of non-living. The book merely mentioned it but behind them was the weight of boredom and non-living, which of course is not worth detailing day by day. 

Here's another one, just because I like Roark, or the author makes me like Roark:
Roark gathered the drawings from the table, rolled them together and put them under his arm. 
'It's sheer insanity!' Weidler moaned. 'I want you. We want your building. You need the commission. Do you have to be quite so fanatical and selfless about it?'
'What?' Roark asked incredulously.
'Fanatical and selfless.'
Roark smiled. He looked down at his drawings. His elbow moved a little, pressing them to his body. He said:
'That was the most selfish thing you've ever seen a man do.'

I feel like, or the author makes me feel like, we need more Roarks around. 

Another respectable character is this Ellsworth Toohey, and here's why I remember him:
'... There's nothing as significant as a human face. Nor as eloquent. We can never really know another person, except by our first glance at him. Because, in that glance, we know everything. Even though we're not always wise enough to unravel the knowledge. Have you ever thought about the style of a soul, Kiki?'
I think he's worth emulating. But my impression of him might change, because I'm only halfway through the book.

To be honest, I feel like a totally different person from who I was in semester 1 last year. Granted, I am in essence the same person, but parts of my personality have changed. 

The conclusion I arrive at after I think about my life (in university thus far) is that I am a misfit. But I am not the only one. Everyone is a misfit. The only consensus people find is in chattering with random people. I'm not saying chatting is superficial and unworthy of time, because it is still very important-- it's the glue that holds crowds together. 
And when we speak with our true friends, we find that we fall into place, even though we are a bunch of misfits. 
When we speak with family, we know there is no room for any discussion of being misfits-- there is an inexplicable, unseverable bond somewhere between you, even though you might feel poles apart.

Yup, I'm a misfit. If you're reading my blog, you probably are a misfit too, because misfits are friends with misfits. Or if you are secretly stalking me from afar, you are one too, because you are stalking a misfit.
But there's nothing wrong with being a misfit. It is your voice that rises above the background noise that life makes, and keeps you standing with yourself. This voice is a rather tremulous one, but it is a voice nonetheless.

Life is good when I have the luxury of time to think and type all this crap out and feel good after that, and have the knowledge that somewhere out there, there's people bothering to read through all my crap.

:)) Thank you for reading this far. Maybe you would enjoy this:

Friday, April 19, 2013

The world is actually a vastly different place from the one I thought I was growing up in.


Actually I'm not a teen anymore... Or at most in my late teens.


Trying to study but it's boring and Cheryl is distracting me with C-Clown videos and my friend did imply from his words that this mod is quite pointless to study for.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I think I shall write down some things I wanna remind myself for next semester. Or whenever else in the future. I'll take this opportunity to write tonight, because after tonight I'll probably be too preoccupied to reflect (first I'll be preoccupied with studying Analytical Skills, then I'll be preoccupied studying TWC, then I'll be preoccupied with SUMMER)


1) Consistent work. Get the right resources. Don't waste the lessons stoning.

2) Nobody owes me anything.

3) Get more sleep.
i.e. don't bid for too many morning classes.

4) Everyone is going through their own shit... everyone has their own troubles, even if they don't show it. Try to understand them.

Okay time to study! :O

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Maybe I should give myself more credit for what I did. Now that I've done that I feel better.
And I can continue ploughing through my mountain of contract revision.
Tired + what are my notes trying to say? + quiet of the night = overwhelming desire to just screw it and go sleep 

If I plough on there's still a chance. 
It will not produce sterling results.
But if I try it might turn out good.
And even if it's not, I can at least feel satisfaction at what I've tried to do, albeit a restricted amount. 
Real women don't screw it and go to sleep.

Oh my, am I strange tonight.

Monday, April 15, 2013

I learnt that when things seem okay, the truth is that it's most likely not okay! My brain seriously plays tricks on itself. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh x 10000. I walked out of tort paper thinking that at least my first paper wasn't too bad, and that I didn't waste my revision after all. And I was actually beaming and declaring my love for the prof to my friend (Don't get me wrong, he is really the nicest prof on earth, but nothing of that sneaky sort going on in your head right now). But my moment of triumph was short-lived. I was lulled into a false sense of security during the paper.
I will soon drown my sorrows in sleep. But for half an hour or so.  Need to do contract and make sure it's not another disaster. I almost feel like I let down my prof. He really did try to teach this lazy and stubborn person called Marsha. My only consolation now is that when the paper ended, I saw him looking upon the class with the most fatherly expression on his face. I shall remember that. It's very rare that you sense kindness radiating out of somebody, even if you aren't very close to that somebody. I've barely spoken to my prof but I can still sense this angelic kindness projecting out of him. And if I get a C or something, it shall be my own fault. It is my fault anyway.

And I also think that when things are really not okay, I shouldn't push it aside and sulk at other people. And complain that it's not fair. Because what really transpired is my own doing. For example you might know of my grudge against a certain prof for being strict. But I suddenly think she is ultra-smart and reading her comments in depth might be a better thing to do than to leave it aside. Nobody owes me a good grade. I can even extrapolate this and say that when I go out and work, nobody owes me my salary.

Life lesson learnt after a damn screwed up paper.

Oh goodnight, I need some sleep to clear my brain.

"Whatever picture people paint their life as, rest assured that any one life in all its parts is beautiful and dark, hopeful and weary, a blessing and an everyday battle. Focus on the good parts of your life and be grateful for your own set of problems because if you knew what everyone else was going through, you would probably still choose your own life. Don’t compare yourself to anyone and while we’re at it, let’s be a little kinder to each other along the way."

Aww. Okay I think I should have started work long ago.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Slept at 3.30 am yesterday, feeling slightly hung over today, if this is what a real hang over feels like.

Another book to add to my reading list: A Room with a View.
(my reading list has 2 books now)


Shouldn't let boredom or laziness get the better of me.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I remember saying that I actually wanted to study at some US or UK university because those places were so pretty. But then later I added that after law school I don't wanna study anymore, because I've almost had enough of all this studying.
Hmm but now... I guess it might be still be possible...
I'd study something fluffy like philosophy or political science or anthropology. 
Ah... the fantasizing 
the daydreaming
the autumn maple leaves
the turn of a page 
sitting in an armchair
reading about fluffy stuff

that's quite a lovely daydream

which might become a reality in future?


but what I would use my fluffy 2nd degree for? On top of having a law degree, a philosophy or political science degree or anthropology degree might land me somewhere in... government? O: or some business consulting firm?
wah this dream so atas
maybe i'll end up as a carpark auntie dispensing fine tickets?
maybe a housewife? o_O eew?

but after graduating from law school I'd like to work a bit first. No point studying and studying. It's like being an overgrown child. I wanna get out and do some work and get roughed up a bit by the real world first (metaphorically speaking). 

-back to reality-

REALITY IS TORT EXAM IN 2 DAYS. Then Contract on Wednesday. AS on Thursday. TWC on Saturday.
Revision status: CRITICAL CONDITION. Need CPR.

And I think I should treasure my studies more...
It's not that hard actually.
Depending on my mood.
But generally there is something to be grateful for.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Okay only I can save myself

And everything can be worked out

Just cram everything

Still got time

Still got timeeeeeeeee

Still got time

And it's not very therapeutic typing stuff in caps...

It's more therapeutic typing fake poems like this one.

I would feel better about myself
If I did something fearlessly
Than if I freaked out
And let myself keep freaking out.

"For those doubts that swirl all around us
For those lives that tear at the seams
We know
We're not what we've seen."

Onerepublic to my rescue again :D

I recall daydreaming earlier in the day that I met Ryan Tedder (this OneRepublic dude) somehow and married him. While I was awake. How incredible.
And I just realized he's married already, actually.
Surprised at myself...

I'm gonna cry :'(


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So bored
All my friends are hiding in their holes and eating up their law readings.
And I'm in a hole myself and I'm eating up my readings too.
But I'm getting a bit tired of them.
So I'm gonna have iced-coffee later.
When the water in the ice-maker freezes.
I'm waiting for the water to freeze
So that I can have my iced-coffee.
Here's yet another fake poem of mine.
I just type one sentence and press Enter.

This is cute.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I feel really impatient today when reading my notes. Sigh. If my notes had a face I'd probably have punched it by now. But luckily it doesn't have a face. D: Can you imagine. Then it will keep telling me to study. T_T
Anyway somebody posted this on facebook and I think it's quite a pleasure to listen to. What it says is not very earth-shaking; it's just a relaxing poetry recital. Sort of gives you the ^_^ feeling.

Now that I've listened to it I don't really feel like punching my notes anymore.

Was surfing through Thoughtcatalog when I saw a tribute to a character called Holly Golightly, from this book called Breakfast at Tiffany's. I need to read this book in summer! :D

And... yesterday C asked me something about the Friend I like. (You know what I'm talking about right?) It's true that I'm not completely over it. But things have definitely changed: I've removed my rose-tinted glasses-- do I really...? And is he really...? I've started looking at other things (how can I not, when there's pages and pages of stuff for me to read and type). But by other things I mean planning for my holiday as well. She asked if I would mind if he became attached (but not to me). I suppose I would mind. I would curse the girl in my head for at least 10 seconds, at most a day or two; unless the girl is my friend, in which case I will gracefully give my blessings, and secretly I will mourn a bit for my love life.
But after all, nobody belongs to anyone (as Holly Golightly apparently said), so no strong feelings, and even if there are strong feelings, they won't be permanent.
We are free.
Meanwhile, we stay in friendzone. Hahahah.
While studying, I was seized by a sudden desire to search something in Google. I typed in 'I feel insecure' in to the search engine.
You can roll your eyes because I feel like doing the same to myself but it would be lame if I approached a mirror and rolled my eyes, because even then I can't see my eyes rolling. Okay that's not the point!
I guess a lot of us are insecure, about this and that, and only a precious few are more secure than others. Even so they must have a little core of insecurity buried deep in them that they don't show.

Some good bits of advice from the first link I clicked:

Embrace “not knowing” – If you are uncertain you are closer to truth than when you fully certain. The mind wants conclusions but life is always open ended. Get comfortable with “not knowing” and most of your insecurities will vanish. Have you noticed that the thing you are most certain about is what lets you down?
Failure is the best thing that will happen to you – Stop judging yourself on the basis of a failure or success. No success ever lasts, neither does failure. Everything in life is just an experience. Feel free to fail miserably, it’s the best growth experience you will ever have. After all, is it not true that success teaches you nothing while failure deepens you.
Google is my counsellor. Lol.
If I might share with you one of my privatest thoughts, I think what makes me most insecure is what I think people think of me.
Which I think is quite silly. That's why I googled.
A friend said on another friend's blog that our generation has created a new phase in growing up, called emerging adulthood. I guess it's because we now have so much time to think about who we want to be and many other deep questions about ourselves. I suppose I'm in that phase right now. 
When I was young, everything was certain because everything was taken care of by somebody else, my parents, mostly. 
But now I'm in charge. (mostly)
"Hope that you fall in love
And it hurts so bad
The only way you can know
You gave it all you had
And I hope that you don't suffer
But take the pain"

"I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places, the things that I did
Yeah with every broken bone
I swear I lived"
I wanna be able to say this someday. 
Onerepublic is awesome! Please come to Singapore soon! :D I might be willing to burn a hole in my pocket to see them sing live. If people go with me. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Too late for regrets
No time for regrets
Ain't nobody got time for anything
But doing revision

I can sleep all I want in summer
Stop screwing with your grades.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

I wonder if my mummy reads my blog. Because a few weeks ago, I gave her my blog url and she promptly typed it into her iPad and started reading. Then I said, aiya so awkward you're reading my blog! (Cos I don't mind if she reads it when I'm not there) And she said okay lor don't read! And she really didn't read. She wasn't pissed, I checked. o.o

Anyway here's an emo Chinese song that I like. My TWC groupmate was playing it during one of our meetings. Speaking of which I have some TWC work to do...

And I shall return to work...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Nice dessert + dinner with friends! Feels so liberating going out despite having a ton of revision... feels empowering too. Haha. Feeling so energetic right now because of all the chocolate cake I ate.

Hmm and I guess even if people say they think birthdays aren't worth celebrating because they are just another day, secretly they wanna celebrate it too.

And my friends are all fussing about how I touch people. Hey, it's not disturbing :(

It's 9 days to exams.
Life is good... Revision is not so bad when I have good headphones (pokes Cheryl) and a whole lot of indie music on Youtube to stimulate my neurons, which makes me feel so indie and hipster haha. But I also listen to lots of mainstream pop songs. 
Life is good when you know there's some chocolate lava cake waiting for you at the end of the day. 
Okay stop wasting time bye!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Seized by a sudden desire to exercise, so I went out of the house and climbed down and up the stairs 2 times. 9 storeys! 1st time down and up was chicken, nothing much; but after the 2nd time I was really tired.

Time enjoyed is not time wasted.

I think I should sleep less.

Oh I'll go back to revision in a while.

Interesting: is this how The Hobbit was inspired? :D

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A good word to describe my mood these few days is thorny. I think I've been a bit weird around my friends. But I think my friends have been a bit weird too. We can be a bit weird together. No offence at all...

I just feel really annoyed at nothing especially these few days. It's not just the exams. But there's no point being angry at nothing when you can be calm and happy.

Anyway here's a really good song

Unlikely that I'll blog the next few days... I think...

And I never thought that I would find something from the Confessions page inspiring, but today I did, so I'll share part of that status with you. And you can see the full status on my timeline if you want to...

So many things matter than getting good grades, and for everyone in school complaining about competition or regretting coming to SMU, know that:

a) It's you who makes it competitive for yourself.

b) Studying is about running your own race and achieving your own potential, not your friend's, and not that genius scholar's you sit across in class. Just because someone has a GPA of 3.9 doesn't make him/her a better person than you are.

c) Once you get good grades, you may get a good JOB. But your peers who score less than you still have a chance of having a better CAREER than you. A good career, is never ever judged by your grades, and success it judged by one's career, and not one's job. I'd suggest develop the skills that'll give you a good career, and not just study blindly.

SMU modeled after the world's top top TOP schools. Guys, we're being educated the Wharton/Carnegie Mellon way, at less than 10% the cost. We have the world's best librarians, career support and a tight knit school community and student support group. We'll never have any of this outside SMU, or outside in the working world.

Exam week might be coming soon, but remember that there are many things in our school life we should and cherish. The BE emcee who never knew how to emcee, but ended up hosting in front of thousands of people, or the Dancer who never knew how to dance but picked it up anyways and won an award, or the Aquathlete who never knew how to swim, but won a medal at a national competition, or the Artdicted member who never knew Adobe, but set up a workshop to share his/her passion about Illustrator, or the budding entrepreneur with a good idea who, despite all the odds, started a company of his own - and the hundreds and hundreds of other stories - Success in school isn't just measured by your grades, it's measured so many other ways.

Cherish being in this wonderful school we are in called Singapore Management University, and live life to the fullest.

All the best for exams.

School pride aside, I think this is really good advice especially right now when I'm beating myself up everyday about how I'm slacking off or how I didn't prepare enough for my moot or how I'm screwing up my own grades by being unmotivated.
This post reminds me that I am actually running a race with myself, which is exactly how I thought in semester 1-- At that time, I didn't really care how I did, I only cared that I was trying my best. My mentality was that I didn't know how the grading system worked anyway, so I'd just go all out and try my best. That's why I was happier last semester.
I think this sem I'm focusing too much on what grades I'm getting rather than focusing on whether I'm trying my best... which is probably why I feel so drained right now. I finally understand that measuring yourself against grades and against other people's perceptions of you can really erode your self-confidence. Screw all those grades, I really did try my best for every one of those B minuses I got. I probably just lacked... enough knowledge. I might feel pissed that effort doesn't equate to good grades. But it's even worse if I just throw a hissy fit and refuse to do my best and still beat myself up over slacking. That's just treating myself very badly.

And... putting myself into perspective... I honestly think this semester's work is harder than last semester's. The concepts are tougher. It's not that I'm getting stupider. The readings are insane and I think my sem 1 self would throw a fit at my contract readings especially, which my sem 2 self also did. (But where's the point in throwing fits?)
Okay so with that I think I'm all set for studying for my exams.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I've felt this way ever since I came to university.

Even though I don't always feel great I think it is an improvement from my school days, when I didn't feel anything much. I remember blogging quite frequently that I felt apathetic. I couldn't empathize with much when I was in JC. The only struggles I had were intellectual struggles (with my homework). I think I empathize a bit more now. It's like I've opened up my emotional range and I'm feeling more. I'm still getting used to it. Now I still have intellectual struggles (a lot) but I have more... personal struggles as well. I don't think it's entirely to do with the school I am in. It's also because of my age.

No more time, no more time, 11 days to finals and my head is full of cotton and fluffy emotions.

It's time to return to stage 1, square 1, whatever. It's time to return to my cave dwelling where hallowed law readings lie. It's time for me to sit on my carpet and venture into the realm of law and facts and semantics. That is where no emotion distracts me. That is where I keep all my emotions in a fish tank, and I let the fish tank sit there undisturbed, swirling with murky algae waters. That is where I take my brain out of hiding and I actually use it. And now that I'm in the cave, this is where I remain until 20 April.
(Short respite to school tomorrow to do a project report though. But I carry my cave with me.)
I feel like I'm not growing up fast enough. I'm living in between lalaland and earth (and earth is where I appreciate how hard I'm gonna work.
And everyone around me is on earth.
I'm such a kid

And prof sang this in class
