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Monday, March 12, 2012

I feel like I've been treated too nicely by all my family and friends, so that I don't recognize it when other people are being nice to me too. :) I shall open my eyes more.
Suddenly I'm reminded of the times I didn't treat my family very kindly, e.g. ignoring them or snapping at them even though they were just trying to have a good time/help me out. And they are still treating me well. It seems like I have a lot to learn in terms of caring for others.
How could such a dampening thought occur to me on Monday?! When I've already suffered from Monday blues.
I suddenly feel excited about the thought of applying to NUS's business course and USP at the same time. :D Should I? I always make decisions and then change them unexpectedly. I rarely have decisions set in stone.

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