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Monday, March 5, 2012

BEFORE I FORGET: I saw this quote on facebook this afternoon, and it got me thinking of things, such as: Do I really want to study law, or am I considering it only because it is prestigious and everyone says it's a good choice? And also everyone seems to say wow or give an approving nod when you tell them you want to study law. ~.~ I should reconsider.
“If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.” 
― Frank Zappa
Yes, I take full responsibility for my decisions.

Given that I have somehow transformed into an ENTP, I take it that one of my personality traits is that I don't like to be controlled.
I guess that's why I deliberately annoyed my mum by asking her repeatedly why she was against my going overseas. Last night she relented and said, okay, do whatever you want, just don't blame me next time. Oops.
So with this newfound freedom, I pondered again and decided that I'll just stick to local universities. Reality check: I have the opportunity to go to UK, but I signed up for Science courses at all of them, now I suddenly I don't want to study Science. What a waste. And that leaves Cornell, which hasn't replied... I think I won't get in because I don't think I put in a good application.
I was thinking about all the million reasons for going overseas and the other million reasons for not going overseas, and then I realized that one quick look at reality showed that it wasn't quite possible for me to go overseas this year. Haha.

I was reading Limpeh's blog last night (Limpeh is what this blogger calls himself). He seems very proud of the fact that he "voted with his feet" and left Singapore, and I respect him for daring to take the path less travelled. I wouldn't do that myself, because to me living alone in another country is far too much out of my comfort zone for now. I hope I will get to travel overseas on university-related or work-related trips in future, for short periods of a few months, but maybe not a few years.
Anyway, the point that I took home the most from his blog was that Singaporeans are very passive people. I agree with him and I think I can pull out an example or two from my own experiences. All I can say now, because of my limited life experience, is that I will not grow up to be somebody who is passive and I'll remind myself about that when I feel too lazy to stand up for myself.
I just realized that "because of my limited life experience" is a lame excuse. I'm 19 years old!!! It's time to stand up and open my eyes to the world about me. Even if it's a rather small world. But hey, it's still better than walking around with my eyes shut and banging off walls. I'm gonna read up more on stuff happening in Singapore. (at work) ;) shhhh.

Addicted to this song :)

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