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Friday, March 2, 2012

Although I didn't actually think much of this birthday at the start, it turned out to be a really fun and touching day. :D There were 3 surprises in all, and so I felt touched 3 times today. :3
I reported to work and my colleagues wished me happy birthday immediately. :) And throughout the morning random colleagues walked up to me and wished me happy birthday too. (This wasn't really a surprise, but it was heartwarming.)

At lunch time, Poey surprised me by turning up at the bus-stop right outside my office with a chocolate cheesecake. :D When I got out to the bus-stop the candles were blazing already and melting all over the cake haha! My colleague was suspecting that I was going out to meet a guy. ^^
It started raining at about 3 plus, and I thought to myself, what gloomy weather. But just as the weather started spreading its gloominess to me, some of my colleagues walked into my office with a cupcake and a lit candle, and sang me a birthday song! This was definitely a surprise. I rarely eat lunch with my colleagues (and I was starting to feel bad about it a few days ago), but it seems like they still think my birthday is worth celebrating, and I'm worth singing a birthday song for.

After work I went to meet Cheryl at Dover MRT. I honestly thought I was having a solo candlelit dinner with her. That was until we reached Watami the restaurant, and Cheryl started talking to the waitress secretively (glancing at me and lowering her voice so much). But the waitress gave it away by repeating whatever Cheryl said: "Oh! Your friends are here already? Okay go in!" At this point I went "Huh?" at Cheryl who smiled sneakily. So we went in and we met up with Claire Elsa Yun Chloe and Huimi and Pam (who came after). :D Surprise #3. Got showered with presents and was treated to dinner.

AWESOME DAY MY DEARS! :D I'll remember all these lovely memories. I'll face every day with renewed faith and love because of all of you. :3

Here's a song that expresses all that I've been saying, and I'll dedicate it to all of you my dear friends.

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