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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

School is starting soon, in 1.5 weeks time. Checked out the readings list for a single module today, and it's insanely long. I feel so distant from everyone who's not in law school. They can never understand this. Okay, they could, but it's hard to. Suddenly everything comes crashing down on me: juggling readings and going for cca practices (which can get quite time wasting occasionally), and all the days last semester when I probed for the reason why I was still in samba, and all the times I was constantly highly-strung. Come to think of it I already felt distant from everyone last semester. I craved that chill time with friends a lot. Maybe too much. But friends cannot be neglected... And neither can my welfare. But I guess I should first get used to this distance I'm feeling between myself and everyone.
Hmm... Just two words to sum up: I'm nervous.
But I chose this lifestyle. And I didn't care if I was gonna be nervous or not when I chose it a year ago. So I guess I'm just over thinking things right now, as usual. Just some WISE decisions and action should take care of things.

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