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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Okay I think I'll call it a day.
Felt pissed today at a remark my friend made. It was a really insensitive remark. To you, it's a shortcoming I have but ultimately that's just the way I am, and I've survived 20 years of being myself (and also thanks to my mummy mainly), so do respect my existence. Then again I realize that I seem to have an extraordinarily high tolerance for many people's existences and their obnoxious shortcomings, so I can't expect the same from others who don't share my level of tolerance.
But in the end I decided that if people in general can piss me off so regularly, it's gonna be quite bad for my health and mental welfare. So I'll just try to let go as much as I can and focus on
Read a post from a classmate on facebook, about his unusual taxi ride. Anyway, what hit me most was that the cab driver told him-- ;do you really want to be a lawyer and put in all those hours working at the office? Your parents will grow older.'
Sigh. Do I really want to? Uni life is already sapping away lots of my family time, and if I become a lawyer it's just gonna get worse.
What if... I just take the bar exam after I graduate
and leave the law profession?
(Okay, just a wild thought, I'm sure there are other options)

This blogpost waste time only lah I shall go sleep. -.-

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