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Friday, August 23, 2013

Read an article in a school newsletter and here's a paragraph that caught my eye:
I’m overgeneralizing a little but classes with ready-formed groups seem a little guarded, slightly hostile. Maybe I’m the only one who thinks that. I get where people are coming from though. If I had my friends around me, I wouldn’t bother speaking to the person who came alone either.

Oh YES, I agree! Sigh I can totally see why law classes feel so uptight and unfriendly now. Okay, no one is unfriendly on the outset, everyone smiles, everyone says hi, everyone makes small talk. But deep down inside we just don't want anything more to do with each other. Okay, I'm guilty of that too, I form my groups early on sometimes. Okay, I'm unfriendly. I can think of a few people who don't do that, though, and I think they are nice. I'm not nice.

Also yesterday I felt like the dumbest person in class. I think I didn't read something in detail and the prof went through it in detail, and everyone could answer his questions. So I was kind of panicking in my seat.

Sigh. I. need. to. relax. a. little.
No I need to stop distracting myself and go prepare for my class later.
AND I need to stop stressing myself out (even though I don't get my reading materials and week 2's materials are zooming in).

PFFFT I think I'll go crazy without my cca.

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