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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wonderful day today; it's one of the rarer days when I see people laughing a lot and when I laugh too. :)
My brother's coming back from India tomorrow! Yay.

Somehow last night/today some kind of fog was lifted from my mind and I wondered at all the angst I felt the past few days. I mean, I don't need to keep wondering about the Perfect Plan of my Life and debate with myself where I should go after this. It just brings a lot of unnecessary...emo-ing. And sometime, a few months ago, might be last year, I do remember telling myself that I love school and I really want to enjoy the last proper school year that I have. And spending it in throes of dark emotion is just not what I want.
The issue is not so much of where I would belong in future, but whether I will be at peace with myself in the choices I make. And the latter is easier to attain. For example, I will only do things which I like. Or things which give me a reasonable (not too much) amount of money to spend on things like... iPhones etc. Material stuff. Of course a balance between the two is ideal but if I really have to choose I'll choose the 1st over the 2nd.

Sigh really quite tired. I have muscle aches in an area I never knew had muscles? Like right above my kneecap. How did I get so unfit within the space of one year? Zzz.

Some things are better left unsaid, and it's not just secrets and gossip, but also more practical things like short-term goals, because if I say them out, then I'll just forget about them. If I let it hover around in my mind I will feel more compelled to achieve it.

I've got a wish. I wish to have a day and a night to spend all by myself, with no one around me, not anyone I know, not any strangers. Preferably in a place like a treehouse. Without the laptop, without my phone. And I'll spend the time wondering first about all the things I don't have time to wonder about now. Then I'll do my IS (so I'll need all my research to be in the treehouse). For the rest of the time... I'll read storybooks. And the treehouse must be well-stocked with food too.

Okay goodnight I'm going to sleep and have dreams about my ideal treehouse.

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