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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sometimes it feels overwhelming, but I think I've been through work avalanches before so I feel less anxious about it than I would have if I were...a few years younger.

Anyway, something happened during Econs lesson on Friday that was quite touching. The teacher let us listen to this song called by 刘德华. Contrary to what the title might suggest it wasn't about making us feel guilty about getting horrible horrible marks (like mine certainly were). It was to comfort us. She told us life wasn't all about grades, and we should not lose ourselves in this mindless, timeless struggle to get good grades, or to beat everyone in grades. All we have to remember is to always try our best and not let ourselves down, if not we'll live a life of regrets thereafter, and possibly let down a whole lot of other people too. So yes, follow your own standards, be true to yourself, and stop conforming to society's notion of brilliance-- As, A stars, full marks and whatever can follow beyond that.

"为何君视而不见 规矩定方圆  悟性 悟觉 悟空 心甘情愿 " 
悟空-- realizing how very empty you are inside.

I don't think I did my best for blocks though.

I'm also really anxious about syf, description will end here. But the point of this paragraph is that I'm grateful about what leng said that dya, about wanting to give newbies a chance to go for syf so that we can experience it for ourselves. (the excitement, the trauma, etc.) There are auditions. I really hope I pass it, or that they are lenient, merciful, whatever. High school band got gold, and we are supposed to be better.

1st draft of IS due 31st April (then cheryl pointed out to me that there was no such date lol). So I guess it's due 1st May. Omgwtfbbqasdf 3 days before SYF, how to finish?

I know I'm supposed to not blog, to just work every minute of the day... like what some people seem to be doing, it seems to me. But I need to clear my mind of these emotions so I can concentrate on my work. Because my brain is small, and cannot contain so many things.

Well I suppose anything is possible and I can finish all my work at superhuman speed together with blogging. And I don't think I even have as much work as some people, since I have no h3.

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