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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Finally sat myself down (at 10.40 pm) and now I'm attempting to start my IS.
Really grateful that I have comments (sometimes they don't give comments) and I think going by the comments my proposal was that close to being rejected but nvm that's not the point. In fact there is no point to this post now I'm just feeling this bit frustrated (not due to KI) so I need to vent the frustration by expending energy tapping on this keyboard.

Quite happy because I went to buy peanut-butter-flavoured M&Ms out of pure whim just now, and they really taste good OH YEAH OMNOMNOM. Haha hy good recommendation! :D please tell me more about any other candy you eat. :)

In other comments! SYF is a month away! The last SYF I had was choir in primary school. O: Quite fun practising. (but even more fun listening to the mp3 recording and listening out for my own part, or picking out other less-heard parts like maybe a little trumpet here and a little bassoon there and a clanging of chimes amidst all the racket the brasses are making).
Okay can you tell this is just therapeutic typing I'm not really blogging. Mixed in with some procrastination because I, well, I'm attempting to start KI. Although I swore to myself and crossed my heart quite a few times today that I would write something out by tonight.

And just now I went for the SSO casual concert. Got into the concert hall just in time before the doors closed. Was promptly greeted by a huge crashing bang on the bass drum on the stage because the music started as we made our way to the seats.

Sometime yesterday I sort of realized more clearly that one day I'm going to not be a student anymore very soon, and I'm going to have to manage everything myself, food, lodging, money, jobs, etc.

Okay whatever KI time bye bye. I do wish I had more time to spend with you guys.

Live my own life: living by my standards, my decisions; there are no limits to what my choices can be. And as long as I continue to make rational, well thought-out choices, there can never be a mistake that's too grave to make right again.

Yes, on a less cryptic note, a rational choice for this very moment would be to get down and dirty in KI.
Really like this song by the way. It's the tune, the voice, probably not the lyrics since the music video is already so painful to my eyes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADmCFmYLns4

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