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Monday, April 25, 2011

Today is a happy day. It started off horribly, because I was feeling drowsy and my throat wasn't cooperating. But it got better. And I had fun because I've never actually blown a note so loud on the euphonium before! x)
And I actually enjoy it when our conductor addresses us, makes a speech or something. Today it was half an hour long. But it was engaging. It made me feel lucky to be able to learn how to play an instrument in such a supportive and friendly environment, with no nasty scolding conductors or seniors. Of course my playing is far from good yet, but people seem to be sure when they tell me, just go and practice. It seems like they feel that I will be able to do it and it's only a matter of practice. (within a week)

I would also like to watch this concert, The Return of Reynish by the Philharmonic Winds. But on the next day I'm going to watch HuangCheng and my mum is already worried about my frequent outings and how it's eating up my homework time. @@

Oh yeah today is a happy day partly because I got into TAG, even though my mum, my bro and I are pretty sure I screwed up the interview. O: lols. Still, good news!

And I also wouldn't like to graduate from HCBand so soon, it's only been a year if I really get down to counting the months! I feel like I haven't properly learnt the euphonium yet.
I've been considering what CCA to join in university, and I've thought of joining band, like NUS Band. But uhm... I shall go find out more information first.

Kk gotta stop babbling like a chicken and write my KI essay which is due tomorrow.

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