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Friday, October 18, 2013

Recently my friend showed me a quote that a graduated student had apparently written carefully on a board in a room in our school. You probably have seen it and the quote says: "I believed in studying just because I know education was a privilege. It was the discipline of studying that taught me the habit of dong something I did not like to do.

And finish it."

Fascinating quote. I guess I whole-heartedly agree with it. After 1.5 years in law, I have gathered that I do not wholly like studying law. There are certain bits that I enjoy. But sometimes I find it overly technical and if I were the judge I would just say something like, grow up and settle it yourselves lah, just compromise a bit, don't waste my time. That's my view some of the time but maybe it's because I'm taking some things for granted. Hmm. After all there are times when I feel that the party really suffered an injustice and I'm like D:<

But is there anything we can truly like doing? Even something I really like-- my CCA-- has things that I don't like about it. 

So yeah, just move on and keep the end in mind. It's a privilege, and privileges do not fall from the sky coated in sugar or dripping in chocolate.

Was typing this outside subway and having lunch when some cca people came along and decided to eat subway with me. Felt vaguely nice. We're not that close but we're friendly enough to sit together for a meal even though I was being a loner and doing my work outside subway.

I find it really hard to make friends now but I find that acquaintances are a constant in my life. Not acquaintances from cca but also from law. I don't belong to any clique but I guess it's a natural thing for people to have cliques and I shall stop feeling excluded in school. I'm just myself and by myself.


  1. Haha marshy I love what you would say as a judge XD

    I think it is possible to find something we truly like! It doesn't have to be perfect (nothing is) eg there are some parts we don't like about it, but you can like it enough that you're very willing to overcome these necessary evils. I think accepting the good and the bad that comes with it is what makes you truly like something. :)

    I think not having cliques has its advantages in that you're free to make friends with everyone. :)
