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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Okay Marsha.
Earth-shaking realization.
I. Am. Not. Working. Hard. Enough.
Yes. Despite the fact that I feel like I am.
But I am not.
It is not enough.
I'm always 1 or 2 steps behind in class nowadays.
I should stop being satisfied with my half-baked understanding of things. I need to do better than that.
I should stop doing my research paper excessively. Yes, finish it, and do it well, but don't drag. Don't give up doing your readings for next week.
no slacking
I have not been working hard enough!
stop sleeping 8-9 hours a day for goodness' sake. :((((((((((((((((((((
6-7 hours is good enough!

feeling like i can't ever keep up. sigh.
i need to wake up.

WORK HARD. 6 MORE WEEKS TO FINALS. And if you were to ask me a property law question now I'd be like wtfbbqwhatdidyoujustsay and this is bad cos property law is 1.5 units but i have not been revising my other 1 unit modules also gahhh 
Motto: wake up at 6.30 everyday, sleep at 11.30-12 at night. EVEN IF I HAVE 3.30PM LESSONS. YES. (except weekends) YEAH BABY. YOU'VE SLEPT ENOUGH. YES. Afternoon naps restricted to half an hour. SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK.

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