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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

“Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to . . . to show the Capitol they don't own me. That I'm more than just a piece in their Games.” -The Hunger Games.

Today I had a thought. I see myself and all the people around me as fodder for capitalism, or whatever world order you subscribe to. We are trained for 4 years so we can be of value to corporations, to make their business plans, to do their paper work, to make money, more money and more money. Without us as a whole the economy crashes. So we are fed to the system.

I don't want to be a slave to this money-making machine.

I don't want to turn into a creature dominated by hatred, fear and greed. Hatred of other people. Fear of failure. Greed for more recognition, more money.

I want to lead a fulfilling life. I want to see the value of what I'm learning and enjoy it. Sometimes I know I enjoy it. But to truly do that I need to reconcile my enjoyment with my contempt for the general population.

It's like how Frodo the ringbearer feels. He hides the ring in his shirt but it slowly takes over him as he approaches Mount Doom.
Likewise, all of us are Frodos and we all harbour hatred/fear/greed in our heart where it is not displayed to the public. We shouldn't let it consume us.

I've been seething all weekend and today at the general population. For being fake. For stoking their own ego. For putting others down. For being selfish. The list could go on, but this is an apt summary and it's enough to make a fire rise up within me. But no I shan't let this linger in me for too long. After all I need to be my own person without all this contempt. I need to love other things in life. Things, and surprisingly certain people, that are much more worthy of my contemplation.

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