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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Really feels damn good to just be alone all day, and when my mum comes home in the evening to pamper me with dinner, it feels great as well.
And now I'm alone again with no noise around me but my headphones playing into my ears some strange form of music I've discovered on youtube/soundcloud recently-- probably called nu-disco.
On a strict diet now (wisdom teeth extracted), which I think helps me concentrate because I can't pop by the kitchen every 20 minutes looking for something to eat.
People have been whining about how recess week is worse than normal school weeks because of all the meetings and probably camps... But I think it's way better. There's still lots of work, yeah, but it feels more like a holiday being able to do it at home than having to camp in school doing it.
Think I'm just going to not go for camp tomorrow-- weaning myself off painkillers tomorrow so it might hurt + it's still swollen. I look like I'm storing food in my mouth, like a hamster, because of my two rather swollen cheeks. Kinda cute. Haha.
I've been having this thought in my head for a few days now... I really like my family. :3

Do you ever get this feeling of wanting to just live out your life's plan in a jiffy, say in a day or two? Sometimes I feel like I can't wait to see what I'll be doing 5 years later, or 10 years later, and the present day is not yielding any answers. It's quite a 'meh' feeling.
So I try to do this thing, called 'sitting in' on life. I learnt it from samba, where my friend explained to me to just 'sit in the rhythm' so I wouldn't keep anticipating the next beat and playing out of time.
Good advice, I think.
Just sit in.

So. An idea of the strange new music that I've started to like! Try not to get distracted by the vid... it's just a picture after all,

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