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Monday, October 14, 2013

I might have mentioned something about an overseas trip for my cca to you...
but I might have neglected to say that they hold auditions for it. the trip takes place next june so auditions would probably be next year. so no need to worry about it this term yet. 
Anyway I was half-hoping they would change their minds about the audition but I don't think they did because they sent out an email informing us (albeit in a friendly way) that they would hold auditions for the trip.
I intended to join this thing for fun... but it seems like to get more fun out of it there must be some competition. Sigh. Just when I want to get away from competition, up pops more competition.  
From another view it might actually be a good thing if I don't get through the auditions so I can skip more pracs and then I'd have more time to myself and to my studies 
I guess it would turn out well both ways. Each result would be different, but both results are good... in their own ways.
wish they had stuck to the old plan though. the old plan involved a different country, and i think everyone got to go for the trip because of... easier planning and more resources. so they have never held auditions. until this year.
WHY. :( sianballz. all the feelings that will arise... and i have to deal with them. you know what feelings right? i'm sure all of us are all too familiar with the myriad of feelings that arise with the thought of competing. much. too. familiar.
i think i might be being a bit too emotional here. after all, this is part and parcel of life. HASHTAG. and there's more competition awaiting me in the future so why am i whining now.
and well, if anyone should be complaining, it should be the juniors who just joined. cos they just joined and now *bam* they are faced with the prospect of auditions. before they've even started to really have fun.

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