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Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh my gosh musical geniuses!

I love them.
Here's more of them and they are being really cute.

In an alternate universe I would marry one of them. But alas we know that dreams and reality do not match and so I will go about my life carrying this dream within my heart.
Listening to them makes me feel like there's so much more to life and its wonders, and I feel like I'm dancing and skipping in a field with sunflowers and dandelions and whatever flower imaginable.
When I have a child next time I will put him or her through cello classes and hopefully he/she likes the cello and can play it to me.
Okay actually, when I'm rich enough next time, why don't I buy a cello for myself and get a teacher to teach me to play it.
Looks really tough though, all those strings.
But when I watch them play, I can see that the technicalities of playing the cellos are not problems to them anymore; they just use it as a way to express whatever deep feelings they are feeling.
Wow, that is cello nirvana.
Maybe my money could be better spent just watching cello concerts. 2cello concerts, specifically. Or the PianoGuys.
There is so much more to life. 
Life is a vast expanse of grasses and waters... and I'm just a little phytoplankton/blade of grass dancing merrily along to my favourite song

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