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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Despite what I've been telling people-- what will be, will be/ worrying won't change anything-- I suddenly felt a great burst of excitement and nervousness today.
I guess all this tension will build up and explode while I'm in the hall on Friday listening to the teacher talk about A level stuff for 1 hour before we get our results. I think the adrenaline in me would then be enough to make me do 50 guy-style push-ups, run around the school, and sing a note 1 octave higher than my usual range. My hands would be so sweaty that I'll be able use them to wipe the window.
What will come will come, and we'll face it when it does. (something like what Hagrid said in Harry Potter). :3
I can't think properly now...I feel so impatient.
I have decided that it's not good to retreat into my very small comfort zone (in terms of social circles). Have I always been guilty of doing that?

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